All India Engineering / Architecture Entrance Examination (AIEEE) - 2009

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AIEEE Examination Pattern

Scheme of Examination
Entrance examination would consist of two papers i.e. 1st paper consisting of three parts of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics of equal weightage with objective type questions for B.E/B.Tech courses and 2nd paper – consisting of Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing for B. Architecture and B. Planning. The Aptitude Test is designed to evaluate candidate’s perception, imagination, observation, creativity and architectural awareness.

Scoring and Negative Marking
There will be objective type questions with four options having single correct answer. For each incorrect response, one fourth (1/4) of the total marks allotted to the question would be deducted. No deduction from the total score will, however, be made if no response is indicated for an item in the answer sheet. The candidates are advised not to attempt such item in the answer sheet if they are not sure of the correct response. More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect esponse and will be negatively marked. All objective type questions are required to be answered on specially designed machine gradable answer sheets. Answers are to be marked using ball point pen (black/blue) only. For the purpose of evaluation, Test Booklet Code as printed in the Answer Sheet on Side-2 will be accepted as final.

Subject combination for each paper and type of questions in each paper are given in the table below:

Paper 1 Physics,Chemistry & Mathematics Objective type questions with equal weightage to Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
Paper 2
Mathematics-Part I
Aptitude Test-Part II &
Drawing test-Part III
Objective type Question
Objective Type Question
Questions to test drawing aptitude

Requirement of papers for different courses is given in the table below:

B.E/B.TECH Paper - 1