CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution (Solved)

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Question .26. State the condition of the non-Russian nationalities before the 1917 Russian revolution.

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Question .27. Name and state difference between the political parties that represented the industrial workers.

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Question .28. State the reforms introduced by Tsar Nicholas-II immediately after the Revolution of 1905?

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Question .29. State the economic cause for the Revolution of 1917?

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Question .30. State the attitude of former USSR towards the movement for independence in Asia.

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Question .31. State the main objectives of the Russian Revolution.

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Question .32. State the requirements necessary for the success of a Revolution. 

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Question .33. How the Russian Revolution of 1905 was a dress rehearsal of the October Revolution of 1917?

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Question .34. State the occupation of the Russian people in early 20th century.

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Question .35. State the main source of export earning in Russia.

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Question .36. State the factors that contributed to industrialization in Russia in the last quarter of the 19th century.

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Question .37. State the basis on which workers in Russia were divided.

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Question .38. Who were the aristocrats among the workers?

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Question .39. State the industries prone to strikes.

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Question .40. State the source of power and position of the nobles.

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Question .41. State the difference between the peasants in Russia from other European peasants.

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Question .42. State the source of inspiration for the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party.  

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Question .43. How did the RSDWP enlist support?

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Question .44. State the cause of feelings Russian Socialists that peasants would be the main force of the Revolution in Russia.

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Question .45. Why RSDWP spitted ?

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Question .46. State the name of the group with their leader into which the RSDWP split.

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Question .47. Explain the term ‘Blood Sunday’.

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Question .48. State the difference in the war between eastern front and western front.

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Question .49. Why is International Woman’s Day celebrated on 23rd February?

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Question .50. Which ship played an important role in the assault of the Winter Palace?

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]