CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > English > English By Mr. Mrinal Ghosh
The Tribute:
(Questions carrying 4 marks)
- Significance of the title of the story.
- The butcher quality of the wife of Babuli.
- Reason for the absence of Babuli’s mother in the partition scene.
- Role of Babuli’s brother in solemnizing the partition scene.
- The Tribute shows typical problems of a nuclear family. Discuss.
- Babuli calls himself heartless in the story. Do you consider him so? Why? / Why not?
- Explain: ‘A lot of cobwebs have settled around me’.
(Questions carrying 8 marks)
- Letter of Babuli’s mother to one of her friends, depicting the atmosphere of home & the consequences of the division of family property immediately after the partition.
- You are a neighbor of Babuli, residing in the village. You have witnessed the division of family property. Make a diary entry expressing your feelings about each member of the family.
- After successfully completing the duty of the division of property, the Elder Brother writes his diary, expressing his feelings. Write the diary.
Cutie Pie:
(Questions carrying 4 marks)
- How was Cutie Pie captured?
- What kind of a special place was created by the scientists to keep Ch-tsal?
- Why couldn’t Ch-tsal establish any kind of contact with the scientists?
- What was the appalling reality, Ch-tsal faced on the 19th day of his captivity?
- How did Ch-tsal escape from the glass prison?
- How did the earth astonish Cutie Pie?
- What ‘Race memories did Cutie Pie learn from C.H. Winters?
(Questions carrying 8 marks)
- Cutie Pie writes a diary in glass jail, expressing his feelings, fears, problems & hardships he faced. Write the diary.
- Suppose you are a reporter who has visited Cutie Pie in prison. Write an article on your visit to the prison, mentioning details about the alien creature, its illness, the distresses it faced etc.
- Imagine C.H. Winters as still maintained his friendship with Cutie Pie. He still remembers him and writes a diary page depicting the events of their meetings. Write the diary.
- Imagine Cutie Pie writes a letter to his sister describing how he was treated after he was captured by some silver creatures with bubble faces in the planet Quta Pi.
The Letter:
(Questions carrying 4 marks)
- Bring out the role played by the ‘Letter’ in the story of Dhumaketu.
- Quote instances from the story to show that Ali was a familiar man in the Post Office.
- Why do you think, Ali gave up hunting?
- What essentially brings a change of heart in the Postmaster?
- What was the Postmaster’s state of mind after he had given Ali’s letter to Lakshmi Das for delivering it to him?
(Questions carrying 8 marks)
- Imagine Ali writes his diary daily. He feels disgusted with life in going to the post office and waiting daily for Miriam’s letter which never comes. This feeling of utter despair has been triggered by the Postmaster’s insult. Ali writes his diary page that evening. Write that page.
- Tortured by doubt and remorse, the Postmaster sits in the glow of a charcoal sigri that night, waiting for news of his daughter. As he sits, he writes his diary. Write the diary on behalf of the Postmaster.
- After 5 years, Miriam writes a letter to her father, expressing her personal problems for which she could not write. Write the letter on behalf of Miriam.
- Lakshmi Das writes a letter to Miriam, mentioning the sudden death of her father Ali. Write the letter, giving details of Ali’s sufferings and hardships.
The Ultimate Safari:
(Questions carrying 4 marks)
- Bring out the portrayal of Kruger park as brought out in the story, the Ultimate Safari.
- Give a brief account of the circumstances under which the refugees were forced to leave their native land.
- Significance of the title of the story: The Ultimate Safari.
- What were the restrictions for the refugees, while crossing the Kruger park?
- What did the Grandmother do to earn some money for the children at the Refugee camp?
- “I was frightened. I picked a palm leaf and chased them”. Why did the narrator feel frightened and why did she pick up a palm leaf?
- The narrator wept when the guide decided to carry on. Why?
(Questions carrying 8 marks)
- Imagine that you are the man who guided the group in the journey through Kruger Park. Now write a diary page, expressing your experiences & memories of the journey.
- The Narrator writes a letter to the Editor, Mozambique Times, expressing the pitiable and unhygienic condition of the Refugee camp, in which they were living.
- The grandmother writes a letter to her friend depicting the hardships she is facing in the refugee camp of Mozambique.
- Depict the scene of the room where the mother was lying.
- Explain:
- The Night of the Scorpion brings out the manner in which the village people came together as and when there is a tragedy. Explain the statement.
- The last line of the poem brings out the character of the mother. Justify the statement.
- The religious beliefs and superstitious attitude is expressed through the activities of the villagers. Explain the statement.
- Give some examples of Personification in the poem.
- What effect does the West Wind have on the Atlantic?
- What characteristic of the West wind does the poet bring out in the poem, Ode to the West Wind?
- Bring out the instances of symbolism in the poem, Ode to the West Wind.
- How does the poem bring out Shelley’s belief in the perfectibility of human nature?
- How does the West Wind both a destroyer and a preserver?
- Explain: “I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!”
- The frog has been portrayed as a shrewd creature by Vikram Seth. How?
- What kind of a bird was the nightingale?/ The nightingale had a melodious voice but possessed neither intelligence nor confidence. How can you say this?
- Why has the mirror been called a ‘four cornered God’? How does it spend its time?
- The poem Mirror brings out the inevitability of ageing and death. How?
- The woman in the poem is searching for something in the depths of the mirror. What is it?
- How does the mirror swallow everything? How is it a ‘four cornered God’?
- What difficulties/ hardships did the mariners face during their journey?
- How did the other mariners treat the ancient mariner and why?
- Write in brief the character of the ancient mariner.
- Describe the land of mist and snow. What is ‘dismal sheen’?
- The poem is based on the theme of loving God’s creation and the Christian concept of sin. Justify the statement.
Paper By Mrinal Ghosh PGT (English)
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