CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Maths > Mathematics By Mr. Kirti Ballabh


Q. 1. What is the probability of getting 53 Tuesdays in a year ?

Q. 2. What is probability of getting 53 Mondays in a leap year ?

Q. 3. What is the probability that two people have same birthday ?

Q. 4. What is the probability that two people have different birthday ?

Q. 5. If a card is drawn from a well suffeled deck of 52 cards then what is the probability of getting a face card ?

Q. 6. If probability of happening of an event is 0.09. what wiil be probability of not happening of that event ?

Q. 7. What is the probability of a certain event ?

Q. 8. What is the probability of an impossible event?

Q. 9. A coin is tossed twice . What will be the probability of getting at most two heads ?

Q. 10. A coin is tossed twice . What will be the probability of getting at least one tail.

Q. 11. If a die thrown once, what will be the probability of getting a prime even number ?

Q. 12. If a die is thrown twice, what will be the probability of getting a doublet ?

Q. 13. If a die is thrown twice , what will be the probability of getting a pair of prime numbers ?

Q. 14. If a card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards, what will the probability of getting a black king ?

Q. 15. King and queen of spade are removed from a deck of 52 cards and then a card is drawn, what will be the probability of getting a red king ?

Paper By Mr. Kirti Ballabh