CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2014 > English > English By Mr. harish ghf



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He said to Mali “I am here to write today.”
He told Mali that he was there to write that day.

I said to Sitha “Yesterday I wrote a letter.”
I told Sitha that I had written a letter the day before.

She said to me “I will do it now.”
She told me that she would do it then.

Sri said “Raj   cannot call me tomorrow.”
Sri told that Raj couldnot call her the nextday.

Swathi said to Madhu “Please bring me some water to drink.”
Swathi requested Madhu to bring her some water to drink.

The postman asked “Where do you live?”
The postman enquired where he lived.

The master exclaimed “Oh! These flowers are marvelous.”
The master exclaimed that those flowers were marvelous.

The teacher taught the students “Sun is the centre of the solar system”.
The teacher taught the students that sun is the centre of the solar system.

Karti said to Mahesh “I read newspaper daily”.
Karti told Mahesh that he reads newspaper daily.

Swami said to Mani “British ruled India before 1947”.
Swami told Mani that British ruled India before 1947.

Hema said to Sindhu “Rama wants to win a lottery”.
Hema told Sindhu that Rama wants to win a lottery.

Seta said that “I will be the prime minister of India when I grow up.”
Seta told that she will be the prime minister of India when she grows up.

Nita says “I like this box”.
Nita says that she likes that box.

Rama said, “This is an interesting book”
Rama told that this is an interesting book.

By, - P.Divya VIII-B

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Submitted By : Mr. harish ghf
Email Id : [email protected]