CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2014 > Science > Paper Index > Science By Mr. Ajai Kumar Shukla



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    1. With the help of diagram show Nitrogen cycle in nature
    2. What is the importance of nitrogen fixing bacteria?
    1. With the help of a labeled diagram show the cycling of oxygen in nature.
    2. Name a harmful synthetic chemical which is mainly responsible for depletion of ozone layer.
  1. Does sound require a medium to pass? Explosion in stellar space is not audible on the surface of earth. Give reason.
    1. What are postulates of Bohr’s model of atom?
    2. What are α-particles?

Questions 25 to 42 are multiple choice questions based on practical skills. Each question is a one mark question. You are to choose one most appropriate response out of the four a, b, c and d provided to you.

  1. Identify the correct diagram for the correct measurement of the level of water in a measuring cylinder.
  2. When a pulse is formed on a slinky :
    1. the oscillations ‘stay-on’ for a long time.
    2. the slinky remains totally undisturbed.
    3. the whole of the slinky oscillates for a short while and then returns to its original undisturbed position.
    4. the pulse keeps on moving along the length of the slinky, and only a small part of it is disturbed at a given time.
  3. A student took solid bodies of different shapes, sizes and materials and noted down the apparent loss in weight on partially or fully immersing the bodies in different liquids., Based on the observations, he wrote the following conclusions. Which conclusion is wrong/
    1. Upthrust depends upon the volume of the body immersed.
    2. Upthrust increases as body goes deeper and deeper inside the liquid.
    3. Upthrust depends upon the density of the liquid.
    4. Upthrust does not depend upon the shape of the vessel in which liquid is filled.
  4. While determining the density of the material of metallic sphere using a spring balance and measuring cylinder, a student noted the following readings.
    1. Mass of the sphere = 81 g
    2. i. Reading of water level in the cylinder without sphere = 54 mL
      ii. Reading of water level in the cylinder with sphere = 63 mL
      On the of these observations the density of the material of the sphere is –
      1. 1500 kg m-3
      2. 6000 kg m-3
      3. 7000 kg m-3
      4. 9000 kg m-3
  5. The correct position of the ear of the observer is shown in
  6. The sound received in the ears while doing the experiment should be
    1. The direct sound from the clock
    2. The sound reflected from any reflecting surface
    3. The sound coming through the tube after reflection
    4. Any of these
  7. Two students A and B recording depth of depression of sand for two surfaces of area A1 and A2 of a block, record the pressures as P1 and P2 such that P1 > P2 Then.
    1. A1 = A2
    2. A1 >> A2
    3. A1 < A2
    4. A1 = 2A2
  8. The length, breadth and height of a cuboidal of mass m kg are 5 cm, 3 cm, 2 cm. The pressure on the floor will be more for the surface area.
    1. 5 x 3 cm2
    2. 3 x 2 cm2
    3. 5 x 2 cm2
    4. same in all
  9. The weight W of a body felt in a liquid of density half the density of the bodyis.
    1. W
    2. W/2
    3. 2W
    4. zero
  10. The part marked R in the given diagram is
    1. Sporophyte
    2. Spirally arranged leaves
    3. oppositely arranged leaves
    4. branches
  11. Lichens generally reproduce by :
    1. Budding
    2. Vegetation
    3. Spores
    4. Fission
  12. A pollen grain of an angiosperm may be best defined as :
    1. A male sperm cell
    2. A partially developed embryo
    3. A spore mother cell
    4. A partially developed male gametophyte
  13. Earthworm has following characteristics of Annelida :
    1. Metameric segmentation
    2. True coelom
    3. Both (a) and (b)
    4. Open blood vascular system
  14. Observe the pictures of honey bee and cockroach. The common feature that assigns them to the same phylum is :
    1. Wings
    2. Three pair of legs
    3. Jointed appendages
    4. Antennae
  15. A Student while verifying the laws of reflection of sound measured the angle between the incident sound was and reflected sound wave as 110. The angle of reflection is:
    1. 110º
    2. 55 º
    3. 27 º
    4. none of these
  16. In a chemical reaction, 5.3 g of sodium carbonate reacted with 6 g of ethanoic acid. The products were 2.2 g of carbon dioxide, 0.9 g water and 8.2 g of sodium–ethanoate. Which
    1. Law of constant proportions
    2. Law of multiple proportion
    3. Law of conservation of mass
    4. Law of combining volume
  17. To find velocity of the pulse in a string, we need :
    1. Only a measuring scale
    2. Both (a) and (b)
    3. only a stop watch
    4. neither (a) nor (b)
  18. The spring balance shown is to measure the mass of a given solid. The mass of the solid is :
    1. 40g
    2. 75 g
    3. 51 g
    4. 35


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Submitted By Mr. Ajai Kumar Shukla, Rachna Tutorials
Mobile : 9453292712
Email Id : [email protected]