CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2007 > Computer Science > Computer Fundamentals



  1. Write full form for the following.
  2. Write short notes.
  3. i) Memory
    ii) Hardware
    iii) Software
    iv) System software
    v) Application software
    vi) Utilities
    vii) Compiler
    viii) Interpreter
    ix) Source program
    x) Object program
    xi) Booting (cold booting , warm booting )
    xii) Wildcards
    xiii) Multiprogramming
    xiv) Multiprocessing
    xv) Time sharing
    xvi) Icons
    xvii) Folder
  4. Write the syntax and purpose of the following DOS commands.


1. Define the following:

  1. Polymorphism
  2. Inheritance
  3. Modularity

2. Distinguish between

a. Call by value and call by reference
b. Global variable and local variable
c. Class and object
d. Structure and Class
e. Data hiding and encapsulation
f. Simple variable & pointer variable
g. Constants and identifiers
h. Library functions and user defined functions
i. Structure & array
j. ‘a’ and “a”
k. a=5 and a = = 5
l. file and directory
m. return and exit()
n. break and continue
o. break and goto statement
p. while and do while
q. entry controlled loop and exit controlled loop
r. run time error and syntax error
s. getchar() and gets()
t. putchar() and puts()
u. getch() and getche()
v. one dimensional array and two dimensional array
w. auto variable and static variable
x. fundamental data type and derived data type

3. Name the header files for the following functions

clrscr() setw() gets() toupper( ) putchar()
islower() sqrt() printf() strcmp() open()
randomize() pow() abs() strlen() isalpha()
puts() getchar() get() floor() cos()
gotoxy() exp() setprecision( ) strcpy() getc()
strlen() ceil() fabs() frexp() modf()

4. Define the following:

  1. Tokens
  2. escape sequences
  3. header file
  4. fundamental data types
  5. user defined function
  6. formal parameter
  7. actual parameter
  8. array
  9. subscripted variable
  10. two dimensional array
  11. structures
  12. inheritance
  13. pointer


  1. What are escape sequences?
  2. Name four datatype modifiers ?
  3. Why main() function is special ?Give two reasons.
  4. What is the application of void data type in C++ ?
  5. What is the purpose of default clause in a switch construct.
  6. What are the purpose of goto statement ?
  7. How is entry controlled loop is different from exit controlled loop ?
  8. What is fallthrough?Explain with example .
  9. What is an array? How does it different from ordinary variable ?
  10. What is meant by function prototype ?
  11. What is function recursion?
  12. What are inline function ?
  13. How many storage class specifiers are available in C++?
  14. What are scope rules of variables ?
  15. What are default arguments ?
  16. What are the three steps in using a function?
  17. What is event programming?
  18. What do you understand by the intrface of the game ?
  19. What are the different elements of a computer game?
  20. What is story ?

6. Find syntax errors and correct them . Underline each correction .

7. Output Questions related to control structure, array, function , String .

8. Write valid C++ statements using if ,if else ,while , do while , conditional operator ,array ,
function , switch


1. WAP to find the Pythagorian tripilate betwenn 1 to 500.
2. WAP to find maximum of N inputed numbers.
3. WAP to test whether the inputed no is Armstrong number or not .
4. WAP to test whether the inputed no is prime or not.
5. WAP to display the armstrong numbers between 1 and 500 .
6 . WAP to display the prime numbers between 1 and 100 .
7. WAP in C++ to check whether the inputed integer is automorphic or not .
8. WAP in C++ to find the sum of the digits of an inputed number.
10 . WAP in C++ to find H.C.F of two inputed numbers .
11. WAP in C++ to find the L.C.M. of two inputed numbers .
12. Create a matrix of order M X N and transpose it. Display the original and transposed matrix.
13. Create a two-dimensional array and find the highest and lowest element of each row.
14. Create an array of N elements and sort the elements in ascending order .
15. Create a two-demensional array of M X N elements. Write a program to find the row wise sum.
16. Write a program in C++ to find the column wise sum of a two dimensional array consists of M X N elements.
17. WAP that reads astring and check if the string is a palindrome.
18. WAP to replace every blank space in astring with an * (asterisk).
19. WAP to count the number of times an inputed character is present in a string .
20. WAP in C++ to create a matrix of order 3 x 3 and find the sum of the diagonal elements .
21. WAP that reads a string and a character .It then converts each sequence of the given character to opposite case .
22. WAP in C++ to display the following series
        0 1 1 2 3 5 8 .....................upto N terms .
23. WAP that converts a decimal integer into binary integer .
24. WAP that converts a binary integer into a decimal integer.
25. WAP to find the sum of odd numbers of a matrix of order M X N.
26. WAP which finds the reverse of a number using function .
27. WAP in C++ that uses a function called carea() to calculate area of a circle.The function
carea() receives radius of type float type and returns area of double type. The function main()
gets aradius value from the user, calls carea() , and display the result .

Conversions :

  1. Decimal to Binary
    decimal integer to binary integer (432)10 = ( )2
    decimal fraction to binary fraction (0.8125)10 = ( )2
    decimal mixed to binary mixed (432.8125)10 = ( )2
  2. Binary to Decimal
    binary integer to decimal integer (10101001)2 = ( )10
    binary fraction to decimal fraction (0.1101)2 = ( )10
    binary mixed to decimal mixed (10101.1101)2 = ( )10
  3. decimal to hexadecimal (235)10 = ( )16
  4. hexadecimal to decimal (A1F)16 = ( )10
  5. decimal to octal (57)10 = ( )8
  6. octal to decimal (542)8 = ( )10
  7. binary to octal (1010110)2 = ( )8
  8. octal to binary (721235)8 = ( )2
  9. binary to hexadecimal (1000110011001)2 = ( )16
  10. hexadecimal to binary (FACE)16 = ( )10

Programming Methodology

  1. What is portability of a program ?
  2. What is robustness ?
  3. What is the characteristics of a good program ?
  4. What is the purpose of comments and indentation ?
  5. Define (i) input (ii) process (iii) output
  6. What methods are used to analyses a problem step_by_ step ?
  7. What do you mean by Dry Run ?

Write algorithm and draw flowchart for the following

  1. To find the largest among three numbers .
  2. To generate FIBONACCI series up to N terms .
  3. To print the total number of positive (+ve) ,negative(-ve) and zero out of a given set of N numbers .
  4. To check whether the inputed integer is prime or not .
  5. To check whether the inputed integer is armstrong or not .
  6. To check whether the inputed integer is automorphic or not .
  7. To find HCF and LCM of two inputed integers .
  8. To compute the sum of the square of N numbers .


  1. Write full form for the following
  2. Difference between

  3. i) MAR and M
    ii) CISC and RISC
    iii) Register and Bus
    iv) Internal Bus and External Bus
    v) Data Bus and Address Bus
    vi) Active heatsink and passive heatsink
    vii) Static RAM and Dynamic RAM
    viii) Full ATX and Mini ATX
    ix) Single processor and dual processor
    x) RAM and ROM
    xi) Online UPS and offline UPS
    xii) Serial Port and Parallel Port
    xiii) Switch mode regulator and Switch mode converter
    xiv) Impact and Non-Impact printers
    xv) Program counter and Instruction register ?
  1. What is a data bus ?
  2. What is a control bus ?
  3. What is the purpose of control unit ?
  4. What is clock speed ?
  5. What is a processor ?
  6. What is program counter(PC) ?
  7. What is a heat sink?
  8. What is cache ?
  9. What is multiple processor?
  10. What is Port?
  11. What is the use of power connector ?
  12. What is the use of infrared port ?
  13. What is the use of SMPS?
  14. What is the use of CVT ?
  15. Whart is the use of USB port ?
  16. What is a mother board ?