CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2007 > Computer Science > Computer Fundamentals
Q. 1. Write a program to evaluate the factorial of a number ?
- List the variations of the While loop?
- Explain the use of postfixand then change the value?
- What is type conversion ?
Q. 2.
- Elaborate the meaning of Mathmetical, Relational and Logical expressions ?
- What kind of difficulty can arise with postfix operator ?
- What is a conditional operator ?
- What is Data Processing?
Q. 3.
- What are mathmetical functions ?Name any 4 mathemetical functions.
- Distinguish between tolower(c ) and islower( c)?
- Name the header files to which these in built functions belong
i)eofii) puts iii) strcmp iv) get
- What is the difference between a function declaration and function definition?
Q. 4.
a. Write a program to calculate tax on the basis of following details
Salary |
tax rate |
Grater than 9000 |
4% |
8999to7500 |
3% |
7499 to 1000 |
2% |
below 1000 |
nil |
(b) In the election out of 1,249 voters in booth only 861 votes use their frenchise correctly If five candidates are contesting write the program to give
- number of valid and invalid votes
- the percentage of the valid votes recived by each of the candidate
Q. 5.
(a) write the function to find the sum of a series
1+2+3+4______________up to N term.
(b)Write a program to print table of a number, input the number by user.
Q. 6. Write the program for following
- to convert the given letters into uppercase.
- to find the reverse of the string.
- to find the length of the string.
- to concatenat two strings in to one .