CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2007 > Computer Science > Computer Fundamentals


Q. 1. Write a program to evaluate the factorial of a number ?

  1. List the variations of the While loop?
  2. Explain the use of postfixand then change the value?
  3. What is type conversion ?

Q. 2. 

  1. Elaborate the meaning of Mathmetical, Relational and Logical expressions ?
  2. What kind of difficulty can arise with postfix operator ?
  3. What is a conditional operator ?
  4. What is Data Processing?

Q. 3.

  1. What are mathmetical functions ?Name any 4 mathemetical functions.
  2. Distinguish between tolower(c ) and islower( c)?
  3. Name the header files to which these in built functions belong
    i)eofii) puts iii) strcmp iv) get
  4. What is the difference between a function declaration and function definition?

Q. 4.  

a. Write a program to  calculate  tax on the basis of following details

Salary tax rate
Grater than 9000 4%
8999to7500 3%
7499 to 1000 2%
below 1000 nil

(b) In the election out of 1,249 voters in booth only 861 votes use their  frenchise correctly If five  candidates  are contesting write the program  to give

  1. number of valid and invalid  votes
  2. the percentage of  the valid  votes recived by each of the candidate

 Q. 5. 
(a)  write the function to find the sum of a series
          1+2+3+4______________up to N  term.

(b)Write a program to print table of a  number, input the number by user.

Q. 6.  Write the program  for  following

  • to convert the given letters into uppercase.
  • to find the reverse of the string.
  • to find the length of the string.
  • to concatenat two strings  in to one .