CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2007 > Maths > Mathematics By Mr. Vishnoo Prashanth


Q. 1. The number of different permutations of the letters of the word HOLIDAY is:

  1. 256
  2. 5040
  3. 2520
  4. 720

Q. 2. The number of three digit even numbers than can be formed out of the digits 0 to 9 are:

  1. 240
  2. 120
  3. 360
  4. 288

Q. 3. If n=7 and r=3 then the value of the expression n! / (n-r+1)! is:

  1. 24
  2. 42
  3. 18
  4. 7

Q. 4. The number of hand shakes in a room is 36 based on the fact that every body shakes hands with everybody else. The number of persons are:

  1. 9
  2. 8
  3. 7
  4. 11

Q. 5. The number of ways of selecting 2 players and 3 bowlers from a group of 6 players and 5 bowlers is:

  1. 1800
  2. 150
  3. 200
  4. 60

Q. 6. The number of ways in which a face card can be drawn from a pack of 52 cards is:

  1. 256
  2. 24
  3. 4 x 13C4
  4. 360

Q. 7. The number of permutations of the MISSISSIPPI when the four S’s come together is:

  1. 2520
  2. 1250
  3. 840
  4. 720

Q. 8. 4 flags of different colours are available. The number of possibilities of arranging all possible signals provided each signal requires the use of 2 flags one below the other is:

  1. 24
  2. 120
  3. 12
  4. 48

Q. 9. An examination paper consists of 7 questions, 4 in part A and 3 in part B. A student has to attempt 5 questions in all, such that he should select at least 2 from each part. The number of ways in which it can be done is:

  1. 128
  2. 44
  3. 72
  4. 96

Q. 10. A golf player wants to put the ball in the hole in 5 shots. He says that he will put the ball in the hole at most by 3 shots and will qualify for the next round. The number of possibilities of shots he had played is:

  1. 90
  2. 85
  3. 100
  4. 72

Q. 11. The number of ways in which the letters of the word ‘PERMUTATIONS’ can be arranged so that there are exactly four letters between P and S are:

  1. 14404200
  2. 25401600
  3. 30401280
  4. 11258600

Q. 12. The odd numbers less than 10,000 that can be formed using the digits 0,2,3,5 allowing repetition of digits are:

  1. 196
  2. 72
  3. 128
  4. 256

Q. 13. If the different permutations of the word EXAMINATION are arranged as in a dictionary, the number of words that can be formed before the first word starting with E are:

  1. 453600
  2. 125600
  3. 907200
  4. 219600

Q. 14. The number of calendars that can be prepared for the month of February are:

  1. 2
  2. 7
  3. 14
  4. 28

Q. 15. The value of r for the expression 8Cr7C3 = 7C2 is:

  1. 2,6
  2. 3,7
  3. 4,5
  4. 2,5

Q. 16. The number of three letter words that can be made out of the letters of the word ORIENTAL are:

  1. 256
  2. 336
  3. 184
  4. 128

Q. 17. There are 15 points in a plane of which 6 are collinear. The number of straight lines that can be drawn through the points are:

  1. 91
  2. 27
  3. 89
  4. 45

Q. 18. The number of ways of selecting 4 letters out of all the letters of the word ‘CONSTANT’ is:

  1. 256
  2. 1120
  3. 5040
  4. 1680

Q. 19. The number of ways of selecting 11 players from a committee of 15 persons if a particular player is never chosen is:

  1. 286
  2. 364
  3. 244
  4. 128

Q. 20. The value of r and n such that 1< r < 8 and such that P(n,r) is a prime number is:

  1. r=1, n = 3,5,7,11
  2. r=2, n=2,3,5,7
  3. r=1, n=2,3,5,7
  4. r=2, n=3,5,7,11