CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2011 > Accountancy > Accountancy By Mr. Kailash Chandra Gururani


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Bill Of Exchange

Dishonour Of Bill
Dishonour of bill means when the payment was not made on the due date. In case of dishonour of a bill there will be following entries –
(A) In the books of seller –
If the bill was retained till the maturity

Buyer’s A/c Dr.                                                                                        xxx
To Bills Receivable A/c                                                                         xxx

If the bill was discounted with the bank

Buyer’s A/c Dr.                                                                                        xxx
To Bank A/c                                                                                             xxx

If the bill was endorsed in favour of a third party

      Buyer’s A/c Dr.                                                                                  xxx
      To Endorsee’s A/c                                                                           xxx

(B) In the books of buyer –

   Bills Payable A/c Dr.                                                                            xxx
  To Seller’s A/c                                                                                       xxx

 Noting Charges
Noting means recording of the fact of dishonour by a Notary Public. Noting must specify the date of dishonour, the reason, noting charges charged by the Notary. The charges made to Notary public in this regard are called the noting charges.
(A) In the books of seller –
If the noting charges are made by drawer(seller) himself

Drawee’s A/c Dr.                                                                                    xxx
To Bills Receivable A/c                                                                         xxx
To Cash A/c                                                                                            xxx

If the bill was sent for collection to the bank for collection and bank has paid the noting charges

  Drawee’s A/c Dr.                                                                                 xxx
  To Bills sent for collection A/c                                                          xxx
  To Bank A/c                                                                                          xxx

If the bill was discounted with the bank

Drawee’s A/c Dr.                                                                                  xxx
To Bank A/c                                                                                           xxx

If the bill was endorsed in favour of a third party

   Drawee’s A/c Dr.                                                                               xxx
  To Endorsee’s A/c                                                                             xxx

Renewal Of a Bill
When a bill is cancelled and a new (fresh) bill is drawn for another period on the request from Drawee (The person who has to pay the amount) is called renewal of a bill.

Accounting entries in this regard will be as follows –
(A) In the books of seller –
On cancellation of old bill

  Buyer(Drawee’s) A/c Dr.                                                                  xxx
  To Bills Receivable A/c                                                                    xxx

On making due the interest

     Buyer(Drawee’s) A/c Dr.                                                               xxx
     To Interest A/c                                                                                xxx

On receiving a portion of the amount due

     Bank A/c Dr.                                                                                    xxx
     To Buyer(Drawee’s) A/c Dr.                                                         xxx

On acceptance of a fresh bill

Bills Receivable A/c                                                                           xxx
To Buyer(Drawee’s) A/c Dr.                                                             xxx

(B) In the books of buyer –
On cancellation of old bill

  Bills Payable A/c Dr.
  To (Seller)Drawer’s A/c

On making due the interest

   Interest A/c Dr.                                                                                xxx
  To (Seller)Drawer’s                                                                        xxx

On receiving a portion of the amount due

   (Seller) Drawer’s A/c Dr.                                                              xxx
  To Bank A/c                                                                                     xxx

On acceptance of a fresh bill

   (Seller) Drawer’s A/c Dr.                                                              xxx
     To Bills Payable A/c                                                                    xxx

Insolvancy Of The Acceptor Of a Bill
In case of insolvency of the acceptor of the bill i.e. the person who has to make the payments, either partial amount is recovered or nothing is recovered.

In such case the accounting treatment will be as follows –
(A) In the books of seller –
Such amount is debited to Bad Debts A/c

Drawee(Buyer) A/c Dr.                                                                xxx
To Bills Receivable A/c                                                               xxx
Bank A/c Dr.                                                                                  xxx
Bad Debts A/c                                                                               xxx
To Drawee(Buyer) A/c                                                                 xxx

(B) In the books of buyer –
Such amount is credited to Deficiency A/c

Bills Payable A/c Dr.                                                                    xxx
To Drawer (Seller) A/c                                                                 xxx
Drawer(Seller) A/c Dr.                                                                 xxx
To Bank A/c Dr.                                                                             xxx
To Deficievncy A/c                                                                        xxx   

Retiring a Bill
When the payment for a bill is made before it becomes due, it is termed as Retirement of a bill. In this situation an interest is allowed by the holder of the bill to the drawee at an agreed rate of interest for the unexpired period of the bill as a consideration for the premature payment. It is called Rebate. Such rebate is an income for the drawee and expenses for the payee.

Accounting Treatment
(A) In the books of holder (Drawee or Endorsee) –

Bank A/c Dr.                                                                                   xxx
Rebate on Bill A/c Dr.                                                                  xxx
To Bills Receivable A/c                                                               xxx

(B) In the books of Drawee –

   Bills Payable A/c                                                                       xxx
  To Bank A/c                                                                                xxx
  To Rebate on Bill A/c                                                                xxx

Accomodation Bill

  • Accommodation bill refer to the bills which are drawn, accepted or endorsed without any consideration.
  • It is drawn and accepted to meet the financial needs of the drawer / drawee or both temporarily.
  • On dishonour of such bill, drawer can not file suit against the drawee because drawee is not liable to drawer.


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Submitted By Mr. Kailash Chandra Gururani
Email Id :[email protected]