CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2013 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta
Computer Overview
- What do you mean by data?
- What is a computer?
- What is a bit?
- Define Byte code.
- Define Binary code.
- What do you mean by information?
- What is an Operating System?
- Define System Software.
- Write some of the limitations of the computer.
- Name the types of Application Software.
- How does an interpreter work?
- What is a Super Computer?
- What are the advantages of data processing done by the computer over manual data processing?
- What is a Firmware ?
- Name any four types of Operating Systems.
- Give at least one example for each of the uses of computers in the following areas.
- A Complex area
- Simulation
- Give an example of any activity at home to illustrate Input Process and Output Cycle.
- What operators do we use to perform arithmetical operations and logical operations?
- What does the basic structure of the computer comprise of?
- Name any 4 input devices.
- What is a volatile memory?Is the main meomory volatile in nature?
- What is a memory cell?
- Who is known as the "father of computer"? Which machines were developed by him?
Submitted By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta
Email: [email protected] |