CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2013 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta


Computer Overview

  1. What do you mean by data?
  2. What is a computer?
  3. What is a bit?
  4. Define Byte code.
  5. Define Binary code.
  6. What do you mean by information?
  7. What is an Operating System?
  8. Define System Software.
  9. Write some of the limitations of the computer.
  10. Name the types of Application Software.
  11. How does an interpreter work?
  12. What is a Super Computer?
  13. What are the advantages of data processing done by the computer over manual data processing?
  14. What is a Firmware ?
  15. Name any four types of Operating Systems.
  16. Give at least one example for each of the uses of computers in the following areas.
  17. A Complex area
  18. Simulation
  19. Give an example of any activity at home to illustrate Input Process and Output Cycle.
  20. What operators do we use to perform arithmetical operations and logical operations?
  21. What does the basic structure of the computer comprise of?
  22. Name any 4 input devices.
  23. What is a volatile memory?Is the main meomory volatile in nature?
  24. What is a memory cell?
  25. Who is known as the "father of computer"? Which machines were developed by him?


Submitted By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta
Email: [email protected]