CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2013 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta


Data Handling

Q 1 What is a floating type number ?
Q 2 What is Union in C++ ?
Q 3 What is the difference between 24L and 24?
Q 4 Define the term ‘data type’?
Q 5 Name the variable that holds the memory address.
Q 6 Into how many types can the data types be classified?
Q 7 What do you mean by the term ‘class’?
Q 8 Which keyword is used for declaring and creating a union?
Q 9 Name the keyword whose value remains same throughout the program.
Q 10 Name some User Defined Data Types.
Q 11 Define the term ‘function’.
Q 12 How many values are associated with a variable?
Q 13 What is the use of void data type?
Q 14 Name any one data type modifier?
Q 15 Define the term ‘variable’. Name the two values associated with the symbolic variable.
Q 16 Name the two data types?
Q 17 What do you mean by data and data types?
Q 18 What is the difference between char and string Data Type?
Q 19 How are integers represented in c++ ?
Q 20 How letters and symbol are represented in memory?
Q 21 Give some examples  where unsigned type can be used as the quantities and can never be negative?
Q 22 Define array ?
Q 23 In this 2 dimensional array, state the elements? int a[2][3]
Q 24  Briefly mention the use of function ?
Q 25 Briefly mention  what is a structure ?
Q 26 How is Structure different from an Array ? Mention briefly.
Q 27 How is structure differ from a class ?
Q 28 What is Dynamic Initializon ?
Q 29 Differentiate between structure and an array?
Q 30 Explain the term ‘Reference’.
Q 31 How many type of functions are there?
Q 32 In how many ways a variable can be declared?
Q 33 What are derived data types? Name the derived data types in C++.
Q 34 Differentiate between a structure and a union.
Q 35 Differentiate between a class and a structure?
Q 36 What are ‘enumerations’?
Q 37 Define fundamental data type. Name five fundamental data types.
Q 38 Explain all the five fundamental data types.
Q 39 What is the difference between a reference variable and a pointer variable?
Q 40 List all categories of Derived Data Types?
Q 41 Write a program to check whether a given number is even or odd.
Q 42 Write a definition for class student that can hold information like student id, name, marks, subject etc.
Q 43 Give the rules for assigning data types.
Q 44 Write a program to find an ASCII value of the given character.
Q 45 Write a program in C++ to swap two numbers using pointers.
Q 46 Write a program to find the area of a triangle.
Q 47 Write a program in C++ to print a string.

Most Important Questions

Q 1 What are data types?
Q 2 What are the predefined data types in C++?
Q 3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of floating-point number over integers?
Q 4 What is a usage of reference variable?
Q 5 Write the definition of class Book that can hold information like Book_No, Book_Title, Price and have associated operations Total_Cost(), Input(), Purchase().
Q 6 What is the difference between a class and a structure?
Q 7 How structure is different from an array?
Q 8 Consider the following two C++ statements. Are they same? Comment.

char ch=67;
char ch=’C’;

Q 9 What type of declaration the following program is using?

void main()
int radius=10, height=20, volume, totalsurfacearea;
volume = (22/7)*radius*radius*height;
totalsurfacearea = 2*(22/7)*radius*(radius+height);

Q 10 What is the difference between 40l and 40?
Q 11 What is constant?
Q 12 What do you understand by the term rvalue and lvalue?
Q 13 WAP to find the area of a square?
Q 14 WAP to convert a given number of days into years, weeks and days?
Q 15 WAP that accepts a character between a to t and prints next 3 character?


Submitted By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta
Email: [email protected]