CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2013 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta


General OOP Concepts

Q 1 Give the full form of OOP.
Q 2 What do you understand by 'assembly language'?
Q 3 What is a High Level Language? Give some examples.
Q 4 What does 'paradigm' mean ?
Q 5 Give one real life example of a 'class' and  its 'objects'.
Q 6 What is the difference between a class and an object in C++?
Q 7 What are low-level languages?
Q 8 What do you understand by procedural progamming paradigm?
Q 9 Explain the transitive nature of inheritance.
Q 10 What is a module?
Q 11 Can data arrangement be changed easily in modular programming?
Q 12 What is Abstraction ?
Q 13 State a real life example of 'abstraction'.
Q 14 What is a member function ?
Q 15 State two advantages of inheritance.
Q 16 What are the various 'objects' you can find in your drawing room?
Q 17 What is 'paradigm'? Give examples.
Q 18 What do you understand by 'modularity'? Explain with the help of a real world example.
Q 19 Justify : abstraction and encapsulation are complemetary concepts.
Q 20 Why is 'inheritance' important?
Q 21 What is the advantage of transitive nature of inheritance?
Q 22 Distinguish between derived class and base class. How are these two interrelated?
Q 23 How is modular programming approach different from procedural programming paradigm?
Q 24 What does you understand by polymorphism?
Q 25 State 5 concepts of OOPs.

Most Important Questions

Q 1 Write a short note on Low Level Languages?
Q 2 Give some Examples of High Level Languages?
Q 3 Define programming paradigms.
Q 4 List the different features of OOP?
Q 5 What are Object and Classes?
Q 6 Give real life examples of Objects and Classes?
Q 7 What is encapsulation?
Q 8 What is abstraction?
Q 9 Why do we need abstraction?
Q 10 In real life do we encounter situations where an interface is separated from its implementation?
Q 11 What is Inheritance?
Q 12 What is polymorphism?
Q 13 What is the Difference between Class and Instance
Q 14 Explain the transitive nature of Inheritance?
Q 15 Explain how inheritance supports ‘reusability’?
Q 16 What are the characteristics of Object Oriented programming language?
Q 17 Explain how inheritance supports ‘reusability’?


Submitted By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta
Email: [email protected]