CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2013 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta
Operator and Expressions in C++
Q 1 What is the result of:- (15>13)&&(16<-16)||(15!=13)
Q 2.
i) What are the two ways by which variables can be initialized ?
ii) State the two types of type conversions
Q 3 If fee is =25 what will the following code segments display ?
i) Cout<< fee- - ;
ii) Cout<<++ fee ;
Q 4 Name the header file for built in mathematical functions in C++ ?
Q 5 Describe the prefix forms of operators ?
Q 6 What is the function of logical Not ?
Q 7 If j=25 initially, what will be the result of following two expressions
i) ++j<=25
ii) j++ <= 25
Q 8 What is type casting ?
Q 9 What is Data Processing ?
Q 10 What are Arithmetical operators ?
Q 11 Distingish between Binary and Unary operators ?
Q 12 What are the two types of Unary operators ?
Q 13 Describe the postfix operator?
Q 14 Explain the use of postfix and then change the value?
Q 15 Explain the use of prefix and then change the value?
Q 16 State the types of logical operators with their symbols ?
Q 17 What is a conditional operator ?
Q 18 How are Integer Expressions formed ?
Q 19 What is type conversion ?
Q 20 State any four valid integer expressions ?
Q 21 What does the type conversion rule state in an assignment statement?
Q 22 Why are header files enclosed in < > ?
Q 23 Give values to the following expression--
i) a>=b&&(a+b)>a
ii) a=b|| b=a
Q 24 What will be the value returned by the following if value assigned to integer variable k is 3 ?
a) k<2
b) k= =2
c) k<=3||k>4
Q 25 Elaborate the meaning of Mathmetical, Relational and Logical expressions ?
Q 26 What is the value of i and j in the two cases given below?
a) i=7
j= i ++
b) i=8
j= --i
Q 27 What will be the value assigned to integer variable x as under:-
Z=a*x*x+b*x+c where a,b,c and x are 2,4,5 and 3 respectively?
Q 28 What kind of difficulty can arise with postfix operator ?
Q 29 Briefly answer the following ---
i) Why is C++ not named ++C ?
ii) How can a+=a+10 and a=a+10 be used in C++
iii) What are arguments ?
iv) Which type of arithmetic is more exact between floating and integer ?
v) What is the order of evaluation of logical operators ?
Q 30 Explain Increment and Decrement with their prefix and postfix forms ?
Submitted By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta
Email: [email protected] |