CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2013 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta


User Defined Functions


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Q 1 Who determines the scope of a function?
Q 2 Give the syntax of the function that does not return a value.
Q 3 Does an argument have default values?
Q 4 Which keyword is used to make an argument constant?
Q 5 Name two parameters that appear while calling the function statement.
Q 6  Define function.
Q 7 State the general form of  the function definition.
Q 8  What is the difference between a function declaration and function definition ?
Q 9  What are user defined functions?
Q 10 Define the term ‘function’.
Q 11 Name the C++ functions which are defined by the user.
Q 12 Give one example of built-in functions.
Q 13 How do we define a function?
Q 14 Can constants or expressions be passed by reference?
Q 15 What is the use of void data type?
Q 16 How can a function be invoked in a program?
Q 17  What is the situation when function prototype is not needed?
Q 18  State 2 things as to what should the function main( ) primarily consist of ?
Q 19 Define function?
Q 20 State 2 things as to what should the function Main( ) primarily consist of ?
Q 21 What are user defined functions?
Q 22 State the general form of the function definition?
Q 23 Give two examples of function prototypes?
Q 24 Why do we require prototypes ?
Q 25 State the meaning of  gobal prototypes ?
Q 26 Why is main function special in C++?
Q 27 Explain the term scope in a program.
Q 28 Differentiate between a global variable and a local variable.
Q 29 Differentiate between definition and declaration of a function.
Q 30 Name the types of function provided by C++.
Q 31 Name the different types of scopes provided by C++.
Q 32 Differentiate between call by value and call by reference.
Q 33 Explain the term ‘actual parameter’?
Q 34 Define the term ‘function prototype’.
Q 35  What are the advantages of using functions ?
Q 36 What are the three parts of  functions ?
Q 37 “A program should many small functions “ Give 3  reasons for the statement?
Q 38 What is the difference between a function declaration and function definition ?
Q 39 What are local prototypes ?
Q 40 Mention the similarities between function prototype and function Definition?
Q 41 What is prototyping? Why is it necessary?
Q 42 Find the error, if any, in the following function definitions:

( a) void abc ( int a, int b)
int c;
return (c);

(b) int abc ( int a, int b)

(c) void abc ( void)

Q 43 Explain the role of return statement in a function.
Q 44 What will be the output of the following program?
Q 45 Write a program to show that the arguments are passed by reference.
Q 46 Write a program to find larger of the two numbers using functions.
Q 47 Write a function to show the addition of two numbers.
Q 48 Write a program to return more than one value.
Q 49 Write a program in C++ to explain the concept of a function.


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Submitted By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta
Email: [email protected]