CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XI > 2013 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta


Working With Operating System


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Most Important Questions

Q 1 What is an operating system?
Q 2 What are the functions of the Operating system?
Q 3 What is a shortcut menu?
Q 4 Define Windows Explorer.
Q 5 What is the role of a Windows explorer?
Q 6 What is the significance of the recycle bin?
Q 7 Define Application.
Q 8 Define Desktop.
Q 9 What is a file?
Q 10 Define a folder.
Q 11 What is a window?
Q 12 What do you understand by multiprogramming?
Q 13 Define Multitasking.
Q 14 What are the functions performed by an Operating system as a resource manager?
Q 15 What is meant by thoroughput?
Q 16 Explain briefly the concept of time sharing.
Q 17 What purpose does the operating system serve to the computer and the user?
Q 18 What is the significance of Task bar.
Q 19 What is the difference between copying and moving files and folders.
Q 20 Enlist the different types of OS.
Q 21 What is an application software?
Q 22 Name the types of application software.
Q 23 Define DBMS with examples.
Q 24 Define Utilities.
Q 25 What do you understand by Disk Defragmenter?
Q 26 What does an Antivirus software do?
Q 27 What services are provided by the operating system.
Q 28 What are the two approaches to virtual storage?
Q 29 What do you understand by the term demand paging?


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Submitted By Mr. Prabhuji Gupta
Email: [email protected]