CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Geography > Geography ( Fundamental of Human Geography) By Mr. Suryaveer Singh
Fundamental of Human Geography
Fundamental of Human Geography
Nature and Scope of Human Geography (3 marks: 1 question.)
- Explain three recent approaches to study Human Geography.
- State any three differences between Determinism and Possibilism approaches to study man-environment relationships.
- State three tasks which human geography focus on studying man-environment relationships.
- Mention the three groups and six types of essential facts according to Jean Brunhes which the human geography studies.
- Explain the three elements of human geography according to Huntington.
- Mention three types of physical conditions and their human responses according to Huntington.
The World Population: Trends and Patterns
Population Composition( 5 marks: 1 question.)
- Mention two distinct areas of density of population in the world and also mention finds such regions of the world.
- Give difference between arithmetic population density and physiological or nutritional density.
- Mention four factors influencing population distribution in the world.
- Explain three components which changes temporal or spatial population in the world.
- Mention five categories (types) of population growth identified under Demographic Transition Model in the world.
- Define age structure. State three types of age structures identified on the basis of variations in the proportions of children and aged in the world.
- What are age pyramids? What does the shape of the age pyramids indicates? State three kinds of shapes associated with the three kinds of population situation in the world.
- Define literacy rates. Explain four factors which affect literacy rates in the world.
- On which conditions does the number that a given piece of land can support depends? Give five such conditions.
- Define the concept of human development. Mention three choices for the people and related indicators used to represent the choices. Mention in the fixed minimum and maximum values established for each of the indicators.
Human Activities-Primary
Secondary Activities-Manufacturing
Tertiary and Quaternary Activities. (10 marks: 3 questions)
- Explain four groups of economic activities.
- What is foraging? State the three characteristics of foragers.
- Which factors influencing mining activities? Give four factors. Why is underground mining very risky? Suggest for importance of mining activities in the world.
- Give uses of bauxite. Why aluminium production is concentrated mainly in the developed countries?
- What are minerals? Why are the important? Where are they found?
- Explain four types of agricultural system in the world. Give four characteristics of each.
- Describe the importance of the temperature and rainfall factors in crop production.
- Describe the importance of relief and soil factors in influencing the pattern of agricultural activities.
- Describe the importance of socio-economic institutions in influencing crop production.
- Give four differences between subsistence agriculture and commercial agriculture.
- Explain the three traditional subsistence systems in the world.
- Define hunger. Mention four indicators used in estimating global hunger. Give causes of widespread starvation in the world.
- Define food security. Give four measures of food security.
- Define manufacturing. Mention four ways and by which industries are classified in the world.
- Describe the four classifications of industries in the world.
- Explain four geographical and non-geographical (traditional) factors influencing the location of the industries at a place.
- Explain four factors associated with the assembly, processing and distribution of materials and products in influencing the location of an industry.
- Explain government policies, environment, industrial inertia and human factor in influencing the location of an industry.
- Mention five changes that have occurred in the industrial activities around the world.
- Explain two broad types of flexibility in the industrial production. Give advantages and disadvantages of each.
- What are footloose industries? Give four examples of it. Mention the factors that favour free choice of location of these industries.
- How are services different from manufacturing? Mention major components of services in the world.
- Why employment in the service sector has increased in the developed countries?
- How advanced services helped in the emergence of global cites? How global cites at as the command and control centres of the world system?
- What are Quaternary activities? How information technology helped in the development of Quaternary activities in the world?
Transport and Communication
International Trade (10 marks: 3 Questions.)
- What are Transcontinental Railways? Name three important transcontinental railways in the world. Give three characteristics of each.
- Mention five changes in the world railway patterns.
- Why the inland waterways have lost importance? Give four reasons.
- State the three problems in the development of inland waterways of the world. (State three factors on which the development of inland waterways depend.) Mention three measures to overcome the problems of inland waterways.
- Mention three limitations and advantages of air transport in the world.
- Give three characteristics of the Suez Canal and Panama Canal.
- Explain the three components of international trade.
- What is balance of trade? Give difference between favourable balance trade and negative balance of trade.
- What three changes have occurred in the composition of trade in the world?
- What three changes have occurred in the sectoral components of international trade in the world?