CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2008 > English > English By Mrs. Mrinal Ghosh
Book - 2 (Vistas) The Third Level
Short Questions:
- What does the narrator think of Grand Central?
- How does the narrator describe Galesburg, Illinois?
- What does Sam’s writing found in the oldest First Day Cover signify?
- What was Charley’s reaction after coming back from the Third Level?
Broad Questions:
- Imagination is a ‘temporary refuge from reality’. Explain the statement.
- What convinced Louisa and Charley about the existence of the Third Level?
- What discovery did Charley make? How?
The Tiger king
Short Questions:
- What had the astrologers foretold about the Tiger King? When did he become the ruler of the kingdom?
- “At another time he was in danger of losing his throne”. How?
- How did the hundredth tiger come to be killed by the Maharaja? What is so funny about it?
Broad Questions:
- The title of the Maharaja reflected grandeur but his death was an anticlimax. Justify.
- What problem arose when Maharaja had killed the ninety-ninth tiger?
Journey to the End of the Earth
Short Questions:
- What happened when there thrived Gondwana thrived for 500 million years?
- How is global temperature increasing? What are the immediate fears due to it?
- What are the microscopic phytoplanktons? How are they important in the food chain and photosynthesis?
- What warning do the scientists give about a further depletion in the ozone layer?
Broad Questions:
- What does the writer say about the geological history of Antarctica?
- How has man played havoc with the ecological health of the earth?
- The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica. How is the study of this region useful to us?
The Enemy
Short Questions:
- How did Dr. Sadao meet Hana? When did their marriage take place?
- How did Dr. Sadao treat he wounded man?
- What complex situation did arise when the wounded man was taken into the house?
- How did the servants show their superstitions?
- How was Hana affected while helping Dr. Sadao in the operation?
- What opinion does the General have of Dr. Sadao as a surgeon?
- What was the ‘reward’?
Broad Questions:
- How did Dr. Sadao and Hana nurse the wounded American?
- Dr. Sadao was compelled by his duty as a doctor to help the enemy soldier.
- Do you think the doctor’s final solution to the problem was the best possible one in the circumstances?
- What is the theme of Pearl S. Buck’s ‘The Enemy’?
Should Wizard Hit Mommy?
Short Questions:
- How did the wizard help Roger Skunk shed his awful smell?
- Why does Jack insist that it was the wizard that was hit and not the mother?
- What does Jack suggest for the ending of the story?
- How did Roger Skunk’s mommy react when he, smelling ‘roses’ went home?
Broad Questions:
- Describe the basic tale that originated a new story with a slight variation each time, as it was narrated by Jack to Joe.
- What is the moral issue that ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’ raises?
- Why does Jack insist that it was the wizard that was hit and not the mother?
On The Face of It
Short Questions:
- How does Mr. Lamb receive Derry when the latter enters his garden stealthily?
- How do people comment so painfully about Derry’s face? Why?
- Mr. Lamb says to Derry: ‘It’s all relative. Beauty and the beast’. What does he mean by that?
- Who should be ‘friends’ according to both Derry and Mr. Lamb?
- What does Mr. Lamb usually do that seems ‘peculiar’ to Derry?
- Why does Derry go back to Mr. Lamb in the end?
- Comment on the aptness of the title of the story ‘On the Face of It’.
Broad Questions:
- What is the initial attitude to Derry towards one and all? Why is it so?
- What lesson of life does Mr. Lamb teach Derry when he comes to his garden? How has it affect him?
- What lesson of life does ‘On the Face of It’ teach? How?
Evans tries an O- Level
Short Questions:
- What do Secretary and the Governor decide about Evans’ taking the O-level exam?
- How did Evans appear which prompted Jackson call him ‘scruffy sod’?
- What two motives were there behind Evans’ cell getting bugged by the Governor?
- How do you think did Evans actually escape throwing all the prison security to the winds?
Broad Questions:
- Describe how Evans escaped from the high security Oxford prison despite all the precautions taken against his escape.
- Do you agree that between crime and punishment it is mainly a battle of wits?
Memories of Childhood
Short Questions:
- How did the author feel awkward in sitting in the chair for breakfast?
- What emotional trauma did the author undergo when her hair was being cut?
- What other entertainments & funs did the author enjoy from time to time while returning from school?
- What advice did Annan give to the author that could reduce Untouchability?
Broad Questions:
- Describe the Breakfast episode that made Zitkala-Sa cry.
- What episode of discrimination did Annan narrate? What feelings did it evoke in the narrator?