CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2009 > Informatics Practices > Informatics Practices By Mr. venu gopal CBSE CLASS XII SECTION - A Answer the following questions : Q . 1. write a PL/SQL block to print a Pyramid as given 1 Q . 2. Distinguish between numeric for loop and cursor for loop with example . Q . 3. Distinguish between before and after triggers with example . Q . 4. explain in brief the types of cursors supported by pl/sql . Q . 5. differentiate between grant and revoke commands explaining the purpose of each . Q . 6. explain the usage of bind variables in pl/sql with the help of example . Q . 7. In a pl/sql code, DBMS_output.put_line is used to display output but the output is not getting displayed on screen.what might have gone wrong ? Q . 8. what is a view ? why does view not require any physical storage . Q . 9. suggest parameter mode (IN/OUT/IN OUT) for the following ?
Q . 10. what do you understand by term Self join ? give an example ? SECTION - B Answer the following questions : Q . 11. find the output of the following code segment Q . 12. write an equivalent for loop for the following code and write its output Q . 13. what is the significance of a login.sql file ? Q . 14. write a pl/sql script to obtain the name of a department whose number is 30 from dept table. Display the department name on screen along with department number; Q . 15. what are pl/sql cursor exceptions ? Q . 16. discuss the role of the following :
Q . 17. using paramaterized cursors write a piece of code that displays the name of employees of a department whose name is entered by the user . the data is to be displayed using
Section - C Q . 18. Answer the questions based on the table student below
Q . 19. Consider the following table :
Paper By Mr. venu gopal |