CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Chemistry > Chemistry By Kaushik CBSE CLASS XII Q. 1. Why enthalpy of chemisorptions higher than that of physisorptions? Q. 2. The values of dissociation constant A and B are 1*10-12 & 6.2*10-6. Which complex will be more stable and why? Q. 3. Why it is difficult to prepare pure amines by ammonolysis of alkyl halide? Q. 4. Draw the structure of p-nitro-toluene. Q. 5. Name a preservative used in cold drinks. Q. 6. Why aniline forms meta-nitro-aniline on nitration? Q. 7. Why are vitamin A & C essential for us? Q. 8. Benzyl chloride is 10 halide but still follows SN1 mechanism. Why? Q. 9. Explain Schottky defect? Q. 10. An element with molar mass 2.7*10-2 kg/mol forms a cubic cell with edge length 405pm. If its density is 2.7*103 kg/m3, what is the nature of cubic unit cell? Q. 11. Determine the amount of CaCl2 (73.5%) dissolved in 2.5L of water such that its osmotic pressure is 7.5 atm at 270C. Q. 12. Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following→ Q. 13. Discuss the shape and magnetic behavior of Fe(CO)5. (Fe=26) Q. 14. Complete the following reactions→
Q. 15. Propose the mechanism for the following reaction→ Q. 16. Write short notes on→
Q. 17. Differentiate between the following→
Q. 18. Write the names of monomers→
Paper By Mr. Kaushik |