CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Computer Science > Computer Science By Ravi Kiran CBSE CLASS XII Ans: Output: Q.1. f. Observe the following program
SCORE.CPP carefully, if the value of Num
entered by the user is 5, choose the correct
possible output(s) from the options from (i)
to (iv), and justify your option. 2 Ans: Expected Output. (iii) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2005 Outside Delhi Q.1.b. Name the header files to which the following belong. (i) puts( ) (ii)isalnum( ) Ans: (i) puts( ) - stdio.h (isalnum( ) - ctype.h Q.1.c. Rewrite the following program after
removing the syntactical error(s), if any.
Underline each correction. Paper By Mr. Ravi Kiran |