Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Maths > Mathematics By Mr Vasu Raj


Q. 9. Solve .

Q. 10 Show that the general solution of is given by (x+y-1) = A(1-x-y-2xy) where A is parameter.

Q.11 Solve cosx(1+cosy)dx-siny(1+sinx)dy=0.

Q. 12. Solve Sec2xtanydx+sec2ytanxdy = 0.

Q. 13 (1+e2x)dy+(1+y2)exdx=0.

Q.14 3extanydx + (1-ex)sec2ydy=0.

Q.15. Solve cosydy + cosxsinydx = 0 given y = p/2 when x = p/2.

Homogeneous type

Q. 1. Solve

Q. 2. Solve xdy-ydx =

Q. 3. Prove that is the general solution of the differential equation where c is a parameter.

Q. 4 . Prove that is homogeneous and solve it.

Q. 5 Solve (x+y)dy + (x-y)dx = 0 given y = 1 when x = 1.

Q. 6 Solve (x2-y2)dx+2xydy=0 given y = 1 when x = 1.

Q. 7 Solve (x2+xy)dy = (x2+y2)dx.

Q. 8 Solve (3xy+y2)dx + (x2+xy)dy=0.

Q. 9 Solve (xdy-ydx) = dx.

Q. 10 Solve (xdy-ydx)y=(ydx+xdy)x.

Q 11 .

Paper By Mr Vasu Raj
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