Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Maths > Mathematics By Mr Vasu Raj


Q. 15. Find


Q. 16. Find  if y = x log (logx)

Q. 17. If x = a(cos q + qsinq),  y =a(sin q -qcosq), find

Q. 18. If  Sin y = x sin ( a + y ) , with Cos a ≠ 1, P.T 

Q. 19. Find  , if x =

Q. 20. If

Q. 21. If y = acos(logx) +bsin(logx). S.T.x2y2+xy1+y=0.  

Q. 22. If y = , Prove that (1+x2)2y2 +2x((1+x2)y1 = 2.

Q. 23. If  , show that   (1+x2 ) y2+(2x-1)y1=0.  

Q. 24. If  , show that     (1-x2 )y2 -xy1 = 0

Q. 25. If  , show that (1-x2 )y2 -xy2 -a2y =0 .

Q. 26. If   show that (1-x2 )y2 -xy1-m2y =0 .  

Q. 27. If y = 3e2x+2e3x, then prove that y2-5y1+6y=0

Q. 28. If (x-a)2 +(y-b)2 = c2 ,for some c>0. prove that                                                                                                          is a constant, independent of a and b .

Q. 29. If x =sint, y = sinpt. Show that

Q. 30. If y = sin. S.T. (1-x2)y2-xy1+ m2y =0.

Paper By Mr Vasu Raj
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