CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2011 > Multimedia & Web Technology > Multimedia & Web Technology By Mr. Sudhir


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a) What are the disadvantages of file cabinet system over computerised system?

Ans : In cabinet system

  1. the data is not secure
  2. it occupies a lot of space
  3. it is not possible for two people to access the same file at the same time
  4. it also leads to duplication of data and consequently data inconsistency and redundancy.

b) Name any two computerised database management system.


c) How degree and cardinality is related to a relation?

Ans.: A relation is a combination of tuple and attributes .in a relation total number of tuple is called cardinality and total number of attributes are called degree of that relation.

d) How is the candidate key and the alternate key are related?

Ans : A candidate key is a collection of primary key and alternative key . a alternate key is one that is not selected for primary key.

e) Name the following

  1. A data type used for linking to an internet or another location in the database.

Ans : Hyperlink

  1. A built in set of rules Access uses to make sure that the relationship is valid . it can also prevent accidental deletion or editing of data.

Ans : referential integrity s

f) Name the following

  1. A data type used for logical value (true/false) in the database.

Ans : yes/no

  1. A key that does not allow Null values and must always have a unique value.

Ans : primary key


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Submitted By Mr. Sudhir
Email Id : [email protected]