CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2011 > Multimedia & Web Technology > Multimedia & Web Technology By Mr. Sudhir


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a) Discuss any three areas or application where ASP can be used.


  1. Shopping carts
  2. Discussion groups
  3. Personal greetings

b) Explain with examples two ways in which server – side scripts can be added to an HTML document.


  1. <%@ LANGUAGE= scripting language%>
  2. . <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=”vbscript” RUNAT= server>

c) Differentiate between static web page and dynamic web page.

Ans: A dynamic web page is an Active Server Page can. It can contain server-side scripts, built-in objects and additional Active-
X components whereas a static web page is a normal HTML page. It cannot have any scripts or additional components.

d) Name any three equivalent tools of ASP.


e) What is the significance of the option explicit statement?

Ans: A keyword “OPTION EXPLICIT” make it compulsory to declare all the variable using DIM key word otherwise it will show an error message .

f) What is the difference between a variable and a constant?

Ans: constants are like variables except that, once they have been assigned a value, they do not change. Constant defines with the CONST keyword.

g) Define keyword “ReDim Preserve”.

Ans: ReDim Preserve is used when the size of an array needs to be increased without losing the original data .

h) Define “For Each...........Next” loop.

Ans: It repeats the loop for each member of a specified collection of items. Specially for an array.

i) What is a cookie? What kind of information can be stored in cookies?

Ans: Cookies provide a means of identifying visitors. It also keeps

  1. Personal Information
  2. Information about an online transaction

j) Differentiate between an ASP Application and ASP Session.

Ans: Application object is used to share information among all users of a given application.
Session object is used to store information needed for a particular user session.
Unlike an application variable, separate copies of a session variable are created for each visitor to the Web site.

k) Describe the following

  1. AppendToLog Method
  2. Clear Method
  3. Flush Method
  4. Execute Method

Ans: AppendToLog Method (response object)-adds a string to the end of the web server log entry for the request.
Clear Method(response object)-erases any buffered HTML output.
Flush Method(response object)-send buffered output immediately.
Execute Method(server object)-execute an .asp file.

l) How many methods do the following components have? Name them.

  1. Page Counter
  2. Counter
  3. Content Rotator
  4. Ad Rotator

Ans: Page Counter - Three Method – Hits, Pagehit, Reset
Counter - Four Method – Set,Get,Increment,Remove
Content Rotator - Two Method – Choosecontent() , Getallcontent()
Ad Rotator - One Method – Getadvertisement()

m) Which are the two main object required to connect to a database using ASP?


  1. Connection object – used to connect to a data source such as Microsoft SQL or Microsoft Access.
  2. RecordSet object – represents the rows of data or sets of records returned from a data source.

n) Differentiate between optimistic and pessimistic locking of a recordset.

Ans: optimistic locking , record by record. The provider lock records only when calling update method.
pessimistic locking , record by record. The provider lock records immediately after editing.

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Submitted By Mr. Sudhir
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