CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2013 > Multimedia & Web Technology > Multimedia & Web Technology - by Mr. Amrit Chhetri


Multimedia & Web Technology

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Q. 1. What is a Layer? Give three properties of a Layer.

It is a type of frame that is placed one after another to create the animation or a movie. Its is the important component of Timeline. The properties of a Layer are:

  • Layer Name
  • Show and Lock
  • Type

Q. 2. What are Symbols? 

The Symbols are the reusable media elements such as graphics, buttons, movie clips etc. that
can be used in a movie. They are saved inside the library file and remain accessible as the global resources.

Q.3. What is a Frame? What are Frame Buffer and Frame Rate?

It is a segment of a movie that is mainly used for creating and storing the objects. It is one of the important components of Timeline in Fhostoshop.

Q.4. What is a Frame Buffer? What FPS?

The way of storing a movie or animation before displaying it is called Frame Buffer.
The number of change of a Frame per second is called Frame Per Second and it is also called Frame Rate. It is usefully used to control the speed of the animation or movie.

Q.5. What is Publishing? What are two formats which support movie files?

Publishing means delivering a complete movie or a animation to the viewers. The two formats in which a movie can be published are .SWF and .AVI.

Q.6. What is a Keyframe? What is the use of Stage?

It is a frame in Photoshop that allows the users to define a change for an animation or to include the frame actions to modify a movie.

Stage is the actual canvas in Photoshop where all the objects to be included in a movie or animation  are placed. It allows to the draw the graphics and preview the movie in design time.

Q.7. What is Timeline?

The Timeline is used to organize and control the contents of a movie over time in the layers and frames so that each movie instance can occur at the correct time. The major components of the Timeline are layers, frames and the play-head.

Q.8. What is Tweening? Name any two types of Tweening?

The Tweening is the way of creating the effects on a movie or an animation. The two types of Tweening are:-

  • Shape Tweening
  • Motion Tweening


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Submitted By : Mr. Amrit Chhetri
Computer Science Trainer/Educator, Principal Business Consultant, Social Media Strategist
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