AIPMT 2007 Biology Screening

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Q. 1. Biological organisation starts with:

  1. Atomic level
  2. Submicroscopic molecular level
  3. Cellular level
  4. Organismic level

Sol. Correct choice: (2)

Q. 2. About 98 percent of the mass of every living organism is composed of just six elements including carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and:

  1. calcium and phosphorous
  2. phosphorus and sulphur
  3. sulphur and magnesium
  4. magnesium and sodium

Sol. Correct choice: (1)

Q. 3. Which one of the following is an example of negative feed back loop in humans?

  1. Secretion of sweat glands and constriction of skin blood vessels when it is too hot.
  2. Constriction of skin blood vessels and contraction of skeletal muscles when it is too cold.
  3. Secretion of tears after falling of sand particles in to the eye
  4. Salivation of mouth at the sight of delicious food.

Sol. When the set point of hypothalamus is disturbed by high temperature, it stimulates vasodilation and sweating while in low temperature there is vasoconstriction and shivering. Correct choice: (2)

Q. 4. What is common to whale, seal and shark?

  1. Homoiothermy
  2. Seasonal migration]
  3. Thick subcutaneous fat
  4. Convergent evolution

Sol. Shark is poikilothermous. All three species show adaptations for aquatic life while these are not closely related. Correct choice: (4)

Q. 5. Which one of the following is not a constituent of cell membrane?

  1. Phospholipids
  2. Cholesterol
  3. Glycolipids
  4. Proline

Sol. Correct choice: (4)

Q. 6. Select the wrong statement from the following:

  1. The chloroplasts are generally much larger than mitochondria.
  2. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain and inner and an outer membrane
  3. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bounded by the thylakoid membrane
  4. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain DNA.

Sol. Correct choice: (3)

Q. 7. The overall goal of glycolysis, Krebs cycle and the electron transport system is the formation of:

  1. Nucleic acids
  2. ATP is small stepwise units
  3. ATP in one large oxidation reaction
  4. Sugars

Sol. Correct choice: (2)

Q. 8. If the mean and the median pertaining to a certain character of a population are of the same value, the following is most likely to occur:

  1. a skewed curve
  2. a normal distribution
  3. a bi-modal distribution
  4. a T -shaped curve

Sol. Correct choice: (2)

Q. 9. Which one of the following is a slime mould?

  1. Anabaena
  2. Rhizopus
  3. Physarum
  4. Thiobacillus

Sol. Physarum is an acellular slime mould. Correct choice: (3)

Q.10. For a critical study of secondary growth in plants, which one of the following pairs is suitable?

  1. Wheat and maiden hair fern
  2. Sugarcane and sunflower
  3. Teak and pine
  4. Deodar and fern

Sol. Secondary growth occurs in gymnosperms and dicots. Correct choice: (3)

Q.11. Which one of the following statements about Mycoplasma is wrong?

  1. They cause disease in plants
  2. They are also called PPLO
  3. They are pleomorphic
  4. They are sensitive to penicillin

Sol. Mycoplasma is not sensitive to penicillin due to absence of cell wall. Correct choice: (4)

Q.12. In the prothallus of vascular cryptogam, the antherozoids and eggs mature at different times. As a result:

  1. self fertilization is prevented
  2. there is no change in success rate of fertilization
  3. there is high degree of sterility
  4. one can conclude that the plant is apomictic

Sol. In vascular cryptogam i.e. in pteridophytes gametophyte is monoecious but protandrous to avoid self fertilization. Correct choice: (1)

Q.13. Two plants can be conclusively said to belong to the same species if they:

  1. have same number of chromosomes
  2. can reproduce freely with each other and form seeds
  3. have more than 90 per cent similar genes
  4. look similar and possess identical secondary metabolities.

Sol. The members of a species are inter-fertile and produce fertile offsprings. Correct choice: (2)

Q.14. If you are asked to classify the various algae into distinct groups, which of the following characters you should choose?

  1. Chemical composition of the cell wall
  2. Types of pigments present in the cell
  3. Nature of stored food materials in the cell
  4. Structural organization of thallus.

Sol. The various algae are classified mainly on the types of pigments present in their cells. Correct choice: (2)

Q.15. Flagellated male gametes are present in all the three of which one of the following sets?

  1. Riccia, Dryopteris and Cycas
  2. Anthoceros, Funaria and Spirogyra
  3. Zygnema, Saprolegnia and Hydrilla
  4. Fucus, Marsilea and Calotropis

Sol. The male gametes of bryophytes are biflagellete, and those of pteriodophytes are multiflagellate, except Selaginella having biflagellate gametes. The male gametes of gymnosperms are non motile except those of Cycas having multiciliate gametes. Correct choice: (1)

Q.16. In gymnosperms, the pollen chamber represents:

  1. the microsporangium in which pollen grains develop
  2. a cell in the pollen grain in which the sperms formed
  3. a cavity in the ovule in which pollen grains are stored after pollination
  4. an opening in the mega gametophyte through which the pollen tube approaches the egg.

Sol. In gymnosperms, below micropylar beak some of the cells of nucellus of ovule disintigerate to form pollen chamber. Correct choice: (3)

Q.17. Spore dissemination in some liverworts is aided by:

  1. peristome teeth
  2. elaters
  3. indusium
  4. calyptra

Sol. In some liverworts like Marchantia spore dispersal is due to hydrochasy and is aided by elaters. Correct choice: (2)

Q.18. Which pair of the following belongs to Basidiomycetes?

  1. Morchella and Mushrooms
  2. Birds’ nest fungi and Pufballs
  3. Pufballs and Claviceps
  4. Peziza and Stink horns

Sol. Bird’s nest fungi – Cyathus, Pufballs – Lycoperdon, Both belong to the class Basidiomycetes. Correct choice: (3)

Q.19. ICBN stands for:

  1. Indian Code of Botanical Nomenclature
  2. Indian Congress of Biological Names
  3. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
  4. International Congress of Biological Names

Sol. ICBN is one of the codes of nomenclature. It stands for International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Correct choice: (3)

Q. 20. Ergot of rye is caused by a species of:

  1. Claviceps
  2. Phytophthora
  3. Uncinula
  4. Ustilago

Sol. Ergot of rye is caused by Claviceps purpurea. Correct choice: (1)

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