AIPMT 2007 Biology Screening

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Q. 41. Which one of the following pairs, is not correctly matched?

  1. IAA - Cell wall elongation
  2. Abscissic Acid - Stomatal closure
  3. Gibberellic Acid - Leaf fall
  4. Cytokinin - Cell division

Sol. Leaf fall is due to interaction of auxin and ethylene. Correct choice: (3)

Q. 42. One gene - one enzyme relationship was established for the first time in:

  1. Diploccus pneumoniae
  2. Neurospora crassa
  3. Salmonella typhimurium
  4. Escherichia Coli

Sol. One gene-one enzyme hypothesis was given by Beadle and Tatum in red mould (Neurospora crassa). Correct choice: (2)

Q. 43. Male gametes in angiosperms are formed by the division of:

  1. Microspore mother cell
  2. Microspore
  3. Generative cell
  4. Vegetative cell

Sol. During the development of male gametophyte first of all two cells – generative cell and tube nucleus are formed from a pollen. This twocelled stage is called pollen grain. Finally the generative cell divides to form 2-male gametes. Correct choice: (3)

Q. 44. Two cells A and B are contiguous. Cell A has osmotic pressure 10 atm, turgor pressure - 7atm and diffusion pressure deficit 3 atm. Cell B has osmotic pressure 8 atm, turgor pressure 3 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 5 atm. The result will be:

  1. Movement of water of Cell A to B
  2. Movement of water from Cell B to A
  3. No movement of water
  4. Equilibrium between the two

Sol. The direction of movement of water is from low to high DPD. Correct choice: (1)

Q. 45. In the leaves of C4 plants, malic acid formation during CO2 fixation occurs in the cells of:

  1. Epidermis
  2. Mesophyll
  3. Bundle Sheath
  4. Phloem

Sol. In C4 plants, C4 cycle occurs in mesophyll cells and C3 cycle in bundle sheath cells. Correct choice: (2)

Q. 46. Which of the following is a flowering plant with nodules containing filamentous nitrogen-fixing microorganism?

  1. Cicer arietinum
  2. Casuarina equisetifolia
  3. Crotalaria juncea
  4. Cycas revolute

Sol. The filamentous nitrogen – fixing microorganism like Frankia occurs in root-nodules of non-leguminous plants like Casuarina and Alnus. Correct choice: (2)

Q. 47. Which one of the following is surrounded by a callose wall?

  1. Pollen grain
  2. Microspore mother cell
  3. Male gamete
  4. Egg

Sol. The microspore mother cells develops an internal layer of callose which breaks the plasmodesmatal connections among themselves. Correct choice: (2)

Q. 48. Which one of the following elements is not an essential micronutrient for plant growth?

  1. Ca
  2. Mn
  3. Zn
  4. Cu

Sol. Calcium is an essential macronutrient for plant growth. Correct choice: (1)

Q. 49. If you suspect major deficiency of antibodies in person, to which of the following would you look for confirmatory evidence?

  1. Haemocytes
  2. Serum albumins
  3. Serum globulins
  4. Fibrinogen in the plasma

Sol. Correct choice: (3)

Q. 50. Which one of the following is a fat -soluble vitamin and its related deficiency disease?

  1. Calciferol – Pellagra
  2. Ascorbic acid – Scurvy
  3. Retinol – Xerophthalmia
  4. Cobalamine – Beri-beri

Sol. Correct choice: (3)

Q. 51. Which one of the following mammalian cells is not capable of metabolising glucose to carbon-dioxide aerobically?

  1. Red blood cells
  2. White blood cells
  3. Unstriated muscle cells
  4. Liver cells

Sol. RBCs do not have mitochondria & thus can respire only anaerobically. Correct choice: (1)

Q. 52. Compared to a bull a bullock is docile because of:

  1. lower levels of adrenalin / noradrenalin in its blood
  2. higher levels of thyroxin
  3. higher levels of cortisone
  4. lower levels of blood testosterone

Sol. The bullock is castrated and therefore secretion of testosterone is not adequate. Correct choice: (4)

Q. 53. In the human female, menstruation can be deferred by the administration of:

  1. FSH only
  2. LH only
  3. Combination of FSH and LH
  4. Combination of estrogen and progesterone

Sol. Correct choice: (4)

Q. 54. In human body, which one of the following is anatomically correct?

  1. Cranial nerves
  2. Floating ribs
  3. Collar bones
  4. Salivary glands

- 10 pairs
- 2 pairs
– 3 pairs
–1 pair

Sol. Correct choice: (2)

Q. 55. In which one of the following preparations are you likely to come across cell junctions most frequently?

  1. Hyaline cartilage
  2. Ciliated epithelium
  3. Thrombocytes
  4. Tendon

Sol. Correct choice: (2)

Q. 56. A drop of each of the following, is placed separately on four slides. Which of them will not coagulate?

  1. Whole blood from pulmonary vein
  2. Blood plasma
  3. Blood serum
  4. Sample from the thoracic duct of lymphatic system

Sol. Blood serum does not contain fibrinogen and few other clotting factors, thus it will not coagulate. Correct choice: (3)

Q. 57. Feeling the tremors of an earthquake a scared resident of seventh floor of a multistoryed building starts climbing down the stairs rapidly. Which hormone initiated this action?

  1. Gastrin
  2. Thyroxin
  3. Adrenaline
  4. Glucagon

Sol. Correct choice: (3)

Q. 58. A person who is on a long hunger strike and is surviving only on water, will have:

  1. less urea in his urine
  2. more sodium in his urine
  3. less amino acids in his urine
  4. more glucose in his blood.

Sol. Correct choice: (1)

Q. 59. Which one of the following pairs of structures distinguishes a nerve cell from other types of cell?

  1. Nucleus and mitochondria
  2. Perikaryon and dendrites
  3. Vacuoles and fibers
  4. Flagellum and medullary sheath

Sol. Correct choice: (2)

Q.60. Which part of ovary in mam mals acts as an endocrine gland after evolution?

  1. Vitelline membrane
  2. Graafian follicle
  3. Stroma
  4. Germinal epithelium

Sol. Correct choice: (2)

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