AIPMT 2010 Biology

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Q. 58.    The one aspect which is not a salient feature of genetic code, is its being:

  1. Degenerate
  2. Ambiguous
  3. Universal
  4. Specific

Answer: (2)

Q. 59. Which one of the following is an example of ex-situ conservation?

  1. Wildlife sanctuary
  2. Seed bank
  3. Sacred groves
  4. National park

Answer: (2)

Q. 60. Which one of the following palindromic base sequences in DNA can be easily cut at about the middle by some particular restriction enzyme?

  1. 5′ −−−−−−−− CGTTCG −−−−−−−− 3′
    3′ −−−−−−−− ATGGTA −−−−−−−− 5′
  2. 5′ −−−−−−−− GATATG −−−−−−−− 3′
    3′ −−−−−−−− CTACTA −−−−−−−− 5′
  3. 5′ −−−−−−−− GAATTC −−−−−−−− 3′
      3′ −−−−−−−− CTTAAG −−−−−−−− 5′
  4. 5′ −−−−−−−− CACGTA −−−−−−−− 3′
      3′ −−−−−−−− CTCAGT −−−−−−−− 5′

Answer: (3)

Q. 61.    Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to AIDS?

  1. The HIV can be transmitted through eating food together with an infected person
  2. Drug addicts are least susceptible to HIV infection
  3. AIDS patients are being fully cured cent per cent with proper care and nutrition
  4. The causative HIV retrovirus enters helper T-lymphocytes thus reducing their numbers.

Answer: (4)

Q. 62.    Phototropic curvature is the result of uneven distribution of :

  1. Gibberellin
  2. Phytochrome
  3. Cytokinins
  4. Auxin

Answer: (4)

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