AIPMT 2010 Biology

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Q. 23. Which one of the following statements about human sperm is correct?

  1. Acrosome has a conical pointed structure used for piercing and penetrating the egg, resulting in fertilisation
  2. The sperm lysins in the acrosome dissolve the egg envelope facilitating fertilisation
  3. Acrosome serves as a sensory structure leading the sperm towards  the ovum
  4. Acrosome serves no particular function.  

Answer: (2)

Q 24.   The genetically-modified (GM) brinjal in India has been developed for:

  1. Insect-resistance
  2. Enhancing shelf life
  3. Enhancing mineral content
  4. Drought-resistance

Answer: (1)

Q. 25.  Apomictic embryos in citrus arise from:

  1. Synergids
  2. Maternal sporophytic tissue in ovule
  3. Antipodal cells
  4. Diploid egg

Answer: (2)

Q. 26.    One example of animals having a single opening to the outside that serves both as mouth as well as anus is:

  1. Octopus
  2. Asterias
  3. Ascidia
  4. Fasciola

Answer: (3)

Q. 27.    Membrane-bound organelles are absent in :

  1. Saccharomyces
  2. Streptococcus
  3. Chlamydomonas
  4. Plasmodium

Answer: (2)

Q. 28.    Keel is characteristic of the flowers of :

  1. Gulmohur
  2. Cassia
  3. Calotropis
  4. Bean

Answer: (4)

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