AIPMT 2010 Chemistry

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Q. 31. Which of the following pairs has the same size?


ue to lanthanide contraction, the size of Zr and Hf (atom and ions) remain constant

Answer : (3)

Q. 32. In which one of the following species the central atom has the type of
hybridization which is not the same as that present in the other three?





Answer : (3)

Q. 33. Which of the following represents the correct order of increasing electron gain enthalpy with negative sign for the elements O, S, F and Cl?

  1. Cl < F < O < S
  2. O < S < F < Cl
  3. F < S < O < Cl
  4. S < O < Cl < F


O < S < F < Cl
Electron gain enthalpy − 141 − 200 − 333 − 349 kJ mol−1

Answer : (2)


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