AIPMT 2010 Chemistry

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Q. 37. Which of the following structures represents Neoprene polymer?

Answer : (1)

Q. 38. Which one of the following is employed as a Tranquilizer drug?

  1. Promethazine
  2. Valium
  3. Naproxen
  4. Mifepristone.

Answer : (2)

Q. 39. Which of the following reactions will not result in the formation of carbon-carbon bonds?

  1. Reimer-Tieman reaction
  2. Cannizaro reaction
  3. Wurtz reaction
  4. Friedel-Crafts acylation

Answer: (2)

Q. 40.  Which one of the following molecular hydrides acts as a Lewis acid?



Answer : (3)

Q. 41.  The tendency of,  and   to behave as Lewis acid decreases in the sequence:




p-p overlap between B and F is maximum due to identical size and energy of porbitals, so electron deficiency in boron of  is neutralized partially to the maximum extent by back donation. Hence  is least acidic .

Answer : (2)

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