AIPMT 2010 Chemistry

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Q. 10. The reaction of toluene with Cl2 in presence of FeCl3 gives ‘X’ and reaction in presence of light gives ‘Y’. Thus, ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are:

  1. X = Benzal chloride, Y = o-chlorotoluene
  2. X = m-chlorotoluene, Y = p-chlorotoluene
  3. X = o-and p-chlorotoluene, Y = Trichloromethyl benzene
  4. X = Benzyl chloride, Y = m-chlorotoluene



Answer : (3)

Q. 11. For an endothermic reaction, energy of activation is Ea and enthalpy of reaction is ΔH (both of these in kJ/mol). Minimum value of Ea will be:

  1. less than ΔH
  2. equal to ΔH
  3. more than ΔH
  4. equal to zero


Answer : (3)

Q. 12. The correct order of increasing reactivity of C − X bond towards nucleophile in the following compounds is:

  1. I < II < IV < III
  2. II < III < I < IV
  3. IV < III < I < II
  4. III < II < I < IV


Tertiary alkyl halide has the highest rate in nucleophilic substitution. Aryl halide has the least rate due to partial double character. Presence of − NO2 groups in ortho and para positions will increase the reactivity.

or I < II < IV < III

Answer : (1)

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AIPMT 2010 Solved Papers