AIPMT 2010 Physics

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Q. 27.  A square current carrying loop is suspended in a uniform magnetic field acting in
the plane of the loop. If the force on one arm of the loop is F, the net force on the
remaining three arms of the loop is:


Force on remaining arms = − F

Answer : (2)

Q. 28.  To get an output Y = 1 from the circuit shown below, the input must be:

            A                     B                     C

  1.        0                      1                      0
  2.        0                      0                      1
  3.        1                      0                      1
  4.        1                      0                      0

            A                     B                    C                     Y
            0                      1                      0                     0
            0                      0                      1                      0
            1                      0                     1                      1
            1                      0                      0                     0

Input: (1 0 1)

Answer : (3)


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