AIPMT 2010 Physics

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Q. 42. In producing chlorine by electrolysis 100 kW power at 125 V is being consumed. How much chlorine per minute is liberated?



Answer : (3)

Q. 43.  If ΔU and ΔW represent the increase in internal energy and work done by the
system respectively in a thermodynamical process, which of the following is true?

  1. ΔU = − ΔW, in a adiabatic process
  2. ΔU = ΔW, in a isothermal process
  3. ΔU = ΔW, in a adiabatic process
  4. ΔU = − ΔW, in a isothermal process.


   ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW
In adiabatic, ΔQ = 0
            ΔU = − ΔW
In isothermal, ΔU = 0

Answer : (1)

Q. 44.  The device that can act as a complete electronic circuit is:

  1. Junction diode
  2. Integrated circuit
  3. Junction transistor
  4. Zener diode

Answer : (2)

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