Biology 2011

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Q. 52.  Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its particular named taxonomic category?

  1. Housefly - Musca, an order  
  2. Tiger - Tigris, the species
  3. Cuttlefish - Mollusca, a class   
  4. Humans - Primata, the family


The zoological name of tiger is Panthera tigris in which Panthera is genus and tigris is species.

Answer: (2)


Q. 53. In which one of the following the genus name, its two characters and its class/phylum are correctly matched?

Genus name

Two characters

Class/ Phylum

(1) Aurelia

(a) cnidoblasts
(b) Organ level of organization


(2) Ascaris

(a) Body segmented
(b) Males and females distinct


(3) Salamandra

(a) A tympanum represents ear
(b) Fertilization is external


(4) Pteropus

(a) Skin possesses hair
(b) Oviparous



Salamandra is a tailed amphibian, has tymphanum which represents ear.

Answer: (3)


Q. 54.   Which one of the following groups of animals is correctly matched with its one characteristic feature without even a single exception?

  1. Mammalia: give birth to young ones
  2. Reptilia : possess 3-chambered heart with one incompletely divided ventricle
  3. Chordata : possess a mouth provided with an upper and a lower jaw


All chondrichthyes possess cartilaginous endoskeleton without exception

Answer: (4)


Q. 55.   What will you look for to identify the sex of the following?

  1. Male shark - Claspers borne on pelvic fins
  2. Female Ascaris - Sharply curved posterior end
  3. Male frog - A copulatory pad on the first digit of the hind limb
  4. Female cockroach - Anal cerci


In class chondrichthyes males possess claspers on the pelvic fins.

Answer: (1)

Q. 56.    The curve given below show enzymatic activity with relation to three conditions (pH, temperature and substrate concentration)

What do the two axises(x and y) represent?

                        x-axis                                                   y-axis

  1. Enzymatic activity                                    Temeperature
  2. Enzymatic activity                                        pH
  3. Temperature Enzyme                             Activity
  4. Substrate concentration                        Enzymatic Activity


X-axis represent temperature and Y-axis represent enzyme activity. All enzymes act at an optimum temperature, above and below this temperature the enzyme activity declines.

Answer: (3)

Q. 57. The ciliated columnar epithelial cells in humans are known to occur in

  1. Fallopian tubes and urethra
  2. Eustachian tube and stomach lining
  3. Bronchioles and Fallopian tubes
  4. Bile duct and oesophagus


Ciliated columnar epithelium lines bronchioles and fallopian tubes.

Answer: (3)

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