Chemistry 2011

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Q. 31. Name the type of the structure of silicate in which one oxygen atom of  is shared?

(1) Three dimensional                             (2) Linear chain silicate

(3) Sheet silicate                                      (4) Pyrosilicate


Answer : (4)


Q. 32. The complexes [Co (NH3)6] [Cr (CN)6 ] and [Cr(NH3)6] [Co(CN)6] are the examples of which type of isomerism?

(1) Geometrical isomerism                     (2) Linkage isomerism

(3) Ionization isomerism                         (4) Coordination isomerism


Co-ordination isomerism



Q. 33. The d-electron configurations of respectively. Which one of the following will exhibit minimum paramagnetic behaviour?

(At. nos. Cr = 24, Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27)


having minimum no. of unpaired electrons

Answer : (4)


Q. 34. Of the following complex ions, which is diamagnetic in nature?


Answer : (3)


Q. 35. Which of the following has the minimum bond length?


Answer : (4)

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