
Chapter - 4 Agricul Ture

Agriculture:- The art and science of cultivating soil, raising crops and rearing livestock including fishing and forests.

Commercial Agriculture:-Farming in which farmer grows the crop with the aim of selling it in the market.

Cash Crops:-Cash crops are those which are grown by the farmers to sell in the market, eg., Tobacco and Cotton.

Dry Farming:- Dry farming is adopted in scanty rainfall areas. Such types of crops are grown which requires less irrigation facilities.

Wet Land farming:- It is a type of farming which is practiced in high rainfall and irrigated areas. Eg., cultivation of jowar and bajra.

Extensive Agriculture:-Agriculture in which the agriculturalist tries to get the greatest output by bringing more and more new land areas under cultivation.

Fallow Land:- leaving the field free without growing a crop for recoupment of soil fertility. A breakthrough in seen technology which has led to a considerable increase in agricultural production, especially in wheat as a result of better inputs.

Horticulture:- Intensive cultivation of vegetables, fruits and flowers. It is an agricultural cropping season from early June to October. Rice, millets, maize, jute, etc are some of the crops of the season.

Multiple Cropping:-When two or more than two crops are grown simultaneously on the same field.

Plantation Agriculture:- A large-scale farming of one crop resembling the factory production, based on capital investment and application of modern science and technology in cultivating, processing and marketing the final products.

Rabi Season:- It is an agricultural cropping season from November to May. Wheat, gram, and oilseeds are some of the crops of the season.

Shifting Agriculture:-It is that type of agriculture in which farmers clear the forestland and use it for growing crops. The crops are grown for 2 to 3 years. When the fertility of the soil decreases, the farmer shifts to a new land.

Subsistence Agriculture:-Farming in which the main production is consumed by the farmer’s household.

Zaid Crops:-These are crops which are sown between the rabi and the kharif crops. Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber and vegetable are some examples of zaid crops.

Sericulture:- Rearing of silkworms for the production of silk fibre is known as sericulture.

Q.1.Name the cropping season of India with example.


1. Rabi – Wheat
2. Kharif – Rice, Paddy
3. Zaid – Watermelon

Q.2.What is package technology? What was its result?

Ans.Under the package technology combination or package many improved methods of cultivation are adopted simultaneously in order to increase the agricultural production. This lead to green revolution.

Q.3.What is slash and burn agriculture? Mention its local names by mentioning the state or region.

Ans.Under the slash and burn agriculture farmers clear a patch of land, grow crops for some years on a patch of land and then move to a new patch. Local names of the slash and burn agriculture are :-

1. Jhumming     - Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland
2 Pamlou     - Manipur
3 Dipa     - Chhattisgarh and Andaman and Nicobar Island.