
Chapter – 5 Minerals and Energy Resources.

Minerals:-A substance which is found in the earth’s crust and which generally has a definite chemical composition.

Mineral Ore: Mineral ore is the raw metal extracted from the earth mixed with soil and other impurities.

Mining:Mining is an economic activity of extracting minerals from the earth.

Fossil Fuels:These are fuels formed by the decomposition of organic under the earth or the sea bed.

Non-ferrous minerals:Minerals devoid of iron contents are termed as non-ferrous minerals eg., zinc and lead.

Ferrous minerals: These are metals which contain iron. Eg iron ore and manganese ore.

Thermal electricity:The electricity produced by using coal, petroleum or splitting atomic minerals in controlled condition.

Veins and lodes: In igneous and metamorphic rocks minerals may occur in the cracks, crevices, faults or joints. The small occurrences are called the Veins and the larger ones are called the lodes. Haematite: This is the most important industrial iron ore in terms of the quantity used. It contains about 60% to 70% of pure iron about.

Magnetite:This is the best quality of iron ore and contains about 72% iron. It has excellent magnetic qualities, especially valuable in the electrical industry.

Energy:The resources which are used for generating energy are known as energy resources. Coal, petroleum, uranium, etc. are some of the important energy resources.

Q.1.What is H.B.J.?

Ans.It is a gas pipeline which links the Mumbai High and the Bassien with the fertilizer, power and industrial complexes in western and northern India.

Q.2.What are the two ways it to generate electricity?

Ans. Electricity is generated mainly in two ways: by running water which drives hydro turbines to generate hydro electricity; and by burning other fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas to drive turbines to produce thermal power

Q.3.How is nuclear energy obtained?

Ans.Nuclear energy is obtained by altering the structure of atoms.

Q.4.What is biogas?

Ans.Bio-gas is the energy obtained from the organic waste which is converted into energy by direct combustion or by conversion of such wastes into alcohol, methane or other storage fuels.

Q.5.How is bauxite ore formed?

Ans.Bauxite ore is formed through the decomposition of surface rocks, and the removal of soluble constituents, leaving a residual mass of weathered material containing ores.

Q.6. What is the importance of minerals?

Ans.Minerals are an indispensable part of our lives or for an economy because:

i). Everything we use, from a tiny pin to towering building or a bus, or a big ship, all are made from minerals.
ii). The country earns foreign exchange from the export of minerals.
iii). Mining and extraction of minerals provide employment to the people.
iv) Minerals like coat and petroleum are also the main sources of power.