Political Science

Q. 6. What do democracies ensure regarding decision making?

Ans .
1. Democracies do ensure right of the citizen to choose their rulers and have control over the rulers.
2. Democracies also ensure the process of transparency in decision making.

Q. 7.  Why decisions are delayed in democracy?

Ans. Democracies are delayed in democracy because democratic governments are based on the ideas of:
Deliberation (carefully)

Q. 8. What is the essence of democracy?

Ans. Free and fair election is the essence of democracy.

Q. 9  Democracy is not free from corruption. Is it true?

Ans. There is no denying the fact that democracy is not free from corruption but, it is only in a democracy that people can openly expose this evil and ask for its elimination.

Q. 10.  Why do people prefer democracy? Explain with four reasons.
1. Democracy promotes equality among citizens. There is no discrimination on the basis on religion, caste, colour race etc.
2. It enhances dignity of the individual and no individual is discriminated against on the basis of caste, religion, class etc.
3. It involves the quality of decision making as it is based on deliberation and negotiation. And in democracy every citizen take part in decision making through the process of election.
4. It provides method to resolve conflicts. It also tries to reduce tension.

Q.11.  What do you mean by civil liberties?

Ans. Civil liberties denote freedoms and rights which are valuable in them and vital to the functioning of a liberal and democratic society.It comprises various basic freedoms and privileges:
1. Freedom of speech and expression.
2. Freedom of religion and thought.
3. Freedom to form association and freedom to movement.
4. Legal liberty or freedom to a fair trial.

Q. 12.  Examine the political outcome of democracy.

It produces accountable and representative government.
2. It also produces responsible and legitimate government.
3. Provides procedures and development mechanism for decision making.
4. Promotes free and fair election.
5. Above all, it generates its own political support for itself.

Q. 13. Examine the social outcome of democracy.

1. Accommodation of social diversity.
2. Dignity and freedom of the citizens
3. Dignity of women.
4. Strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes,
5. A public expression and dissatisfaction with democracy in one of the most important outcomes of democracy.

Q.14.  Write the factors that denote the successful working of democracy in India.

1. Aware and vigilant citizens: Aware and vigilant citizens can exercise their voting behavior in a very meaningful way and contribute towards the success of democracy.
2. Freedom of press and media: A free press and media keep the people in touch with governmental activities but also ventilate the grievances of the public.
3. Health literacy level: Uneducated people are the liable to our country and educated and healthy people are assets to the country.
4. High Morals: It helps in preventing corruption, dishonesty, negligence and ignorance. High moral people help in the achievement our democratic goals as well.

Q.15.  How does democracy lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens? Explain.

1. In the political field: Democracy provides a political environment to citizens for their popular participation in politics.
2. Every citizen has the right to vote and right to contest election.
3. In the economic field: Democracy stands for equal economic status to all citizens.
4. Government undertakes extensive social welfare schemes and achieve universal literacy rate.
5 In the social field: Democracy tries to help its citizens to lead a peaceful and harmonious life by accommodating various social divisions and providing social equality to its citizens.
6. It try to resolve differences, respect differences and try mechanisms, which can negotiate differences.