Political Science

Q. 6. Mention any four difficulties of local government in India.

Most states have not transferred significant powers to the local governments.
2. There is a shortage of resources.
3 .Elections are not held regularly.
4. Gram sabha are not held regularly.

Q. 7.  What is Gram Sabha? Mention its functions.

Ans . Every adult of the village who is 18 years of age constitute the Gram Sabha.
1. It is the decision making body of the entire village.
2. The village panchayat works under the supervision of the Gram Sabha.
3. It approves the annual budget of the Gram Panchayat.

Q. 8.  What is Panchayati Raj? What is its importance?

Ans. Rural local government is known as the Panchayati Raj.
1. It helps the people to directly participate in decision making.
2. It helps in the decentralization of power.
3 .It reduces the burden of the central government.

Q. 9.  Distinguish between coming together federation and holding together federation.

Ans. Coming Together federations
1. Under this independent states come together on their own to form a bigger unit.
2. Under this, all constituent states usually have equal power.
3. USA, Switzerland and Australia

Holding together federations
1. Under this, a large country decides to divide its power between the constituent states and the national government.
2. Under this central government tend to be more powerful.
3. India, Spain and Belgium.

Union List
1. It includes subjects of national importance. This list consists of 97 subjects. Most important among these are defence, atomic energy, foreign affairs, etc.
2. The parliament is solely empowered to enact laws on subjects included in the Union List.

State List
1. State list contains subjects of state and local importance such as police, trade. It has altogether 66 subjects.
2. The state legislature along can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the State List.

Concurrent List
1. It includes subjects of common interests to both the union government as well as the state government, such as, education, forests, trade unions, marriage, adoption and successions, press, etc.
2 .Both the union as well as state governments can make laws on the concurrent List subjects. But in case of a conflict between the central and states laws, central law prevails.
3. Distinguish between Federal form of government and Unitary form of government.

Federal form of government
1. Under the federal system there are two levels of government, one at the central level and other at the state level. Both levels have their areas of jurisdiction.
2. In federal system a state government has power of its own for which it is not answerable to the central government.
3. Central government cannot order the state government to do something.

Unitary form of government.
1. But in Unitary form of government either there is only one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to the central government.
2. On the other hand in unitary system the state government does not have power of its own.
3. The central government can pass on orders to the local government.

Q. 10 . What is the importance or need for decentralization?

1. The basic idea behind decentralization is that there are a large number of problems and issues which are best settled at the local level. People have a better knowledge of problems in their localities. They also have better ideas on where to spend money, and how to manage things more efficiently.
2. At the local level, it is possible for the people to directly participate in decision making. This helps to inculcate a habit of democratic participation. Local government is the best way to realist one important principle of democracy, namely the local self government.

Q.11 Explain the major key features of federalism.

Ans .
1. Two or more levels or government:- Federalism is a system of government in which the government is divided between a central authority and its various constituent units. Usually, a federation has two levels of government. One is the government for the entire country, and the other governments at the state or provincial level.
2. Same citizens separate jurisdiction:- Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration.
3. Superiority of constitution: The jurisdiction of the respective levels or tiers of government are specified in the constitution. So the existence and authority of each tier of government are constitutionally safeguarded.
3. Rigid constitution: The fundamental provisions of the constitutions cannot be unilaterally changed by one level of government. Such changes require the consent of both the levels of government.
4. Dual objective: The federal system thus has dual objectives: to safeguard and promote the unity of the country, while at the same time, accommodate the regional diversity.