Political Science

Q. 7. Explain the overlapping and cross-cutting differences.

Ans. Overlapping differences
1. These social divisions take place when some social differences overlaps with many other differences.
2. The difference between the Blacks and Whites becomes a social division in the United States because historically most of the Blacks are poor, homeless and discriminated.
3. In India, the Dalits tend to be poor and landless. They often face discrimination and injustice.
4. These kinds of situation produce social divisions which are harmful for democracy, and weaken the basic foundation of democracy.
5. When one kind of social difference become more important than any other, and people start feeling that, they belong to different communities then this can lead to the disintegration of the country.

Cross-cutting differences
1. Under cross cutting differences, people share common interest on one issue but are likely to be on different side on another issue.
2. Cross-cutting social differences are easier to accommodate.
3. Netherland and Northern Ireland are Christian countries divided into Catholics and Protestants.
4. In Netherland class and religion tend to cut across each other. This means Catholics and the Protestants are about equally likely to be poor or rich.

Q. 8. What are the bases of social differences?

Ans. Social Differences are based on two main factors:
1. On the basis of accident of Birth
2. On the basis of our choices.

Differences on the basis of Birth
1. Normally we don’t choose to belong to our community. We belong to it simply because we are born into it.
2. People around us, have different physical abilities or disabilities.

Differences on the basis of choices
1. Some people are atheists. They don’t believe in god or any religion.
2. Some people choose to follow a religion other than the one in which they are born.
3. Most of us choose what to study, which occupation to take up and which games or cultural activities to take part in.

Q. 9 How do social divisions affect politics?

Ans. Negative Impact
1. It would appear that the combination of politics and social divisions is very dangerous and explosive.
2. Democracy involves competition among various political units/parties. Their competition tends to divide the society.
3. If they start competing in terms of some existing social divisions it can make social division into political divisions and lead to conflict, violence or even disintegration of a country.

Positive Impact
1. At the same time every expression of social divisions in politics does not lead to such disasters because wherever social divisions exist, they are reflected in politics.
2. In democracy political parties would talk about these divisions, they make different promises to different communities, look after due representation of various communities.
3. Social divisions also affect voting in most countries. People from one community tend to prefer some party more than others.

Q. 10. What are the three determinants to accommodate social divisions in politics?

Ans .
1. Role of Identity:-
Outcome depends on how people perceive their identities. If people see their identities in singular and exclusive terms, it becomes very difficult to accommodate.
2. Role of community and culture:- The outcome depends on how political leaders raise the demands of any community. It is easier to accommodate demands that are within the constitutional framework and are not at the cost of another community.
3. The role of political party and government:- In another way political outcome of social divisions depends on how the government reacts to demands of different groups. This is very much observed in Belgium and Sri Lanka. If the rulers are willing to share power and accommodate the reasonable demands of minority community, social divisions becomes less threatening for the country.