Valmiki Ramayana

Life in forest

With her maya power she changed herself in a very beautiful maiden and approached Ram with a lady-in-love like gestures. As she came near, Ram inquired, "O lady, who are you, what can I do for you?" Shurpankha replied, "O handsome one, I have fallen in love with you. I am also beautiful, therefore, please marry me."

In those days polygamy was not unusual in common people, and hence such requests were natural. But Ram never dreamt of any other woman as his wife other than Sita. He had vowed to monogamy. Moreover he could very easily see through the plan of Shurpankha. It did not take him more than a second to know the real nature of the beautiful woman in front of him.

But he also decided to play some joke on her. Therefore Rama said, "O lady, I am sorry I cannot marry you. I am already wedded to one wife, Sita. But my younger brother, Laxman who is sitting there is still unmarried and he may be pleased to marry you. Why don't you approach him!"

Shurpankha agreed and went to Laxman with similar request to accept her as his bride. Laxman also was in a jolly mood. He told her to go again to Ram because at present he did not have any plans to marry. Thus, three or four times Shurpankha was shuttled between the two brothers. At last her patience gave way and she came to her original form and threatened to kill Ram and Laxman.

At this folly of hers, Laxman was irritated and as a result cut her nose and ears with the arrow. Bleeding and in rage, she fled to one of her brothers, in nearby forest. The demon, brother of Ravan and equally powerful as Ravan, marched with a huge army to put an end to the tormentors of his sister. A great fight broke out and ultimately the demons were defeated.
Seeing the end of his brother, Shurpankha rushed to her second brother Ravan and narrated the whole story. Ravan was puzzled. He could not understand that a single sanyasin- like person could defeat his brother and his army. He thought over the matter and came to the conclusion that Ram must be God incarnate and nobody else. But he promised his sister that he would take revenge of her insult.

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