
Asvapati proceed to the hermitage of Dyumatsena in the forest. In a proper form, he asked Dymatsena to accept Savitri as the bride of Satyavan. "Dymatsena! Savitri knows that prosperity and adversity are transient. Honor, virtue, love and friendship are abiding things; Savitri has come to you searching these. Please do not disappoint us; let the marriage be celebrated."

"So be it, " replied Dyumatsena. With Dyumatsena's consent, the marriage was performed that very day in the hermitage in a simple ceremony. Savitri and Satyavan went round the sacred fire hand in hand as the priests chanted the vedic mantras. The prescribed seven steps were taken. Savitri became Mrs. Satyavan.

Savitri adapted herself to life in the hermitage. Savitri and Satyavan loved each other. Savitri kept Narada's secret to herself so as not to upset the happiness of Satyavan.

Days went by. Seasons changed. The marriage was in Spring. Summer came, followed by torrential rains; autumn cleared the skies and the moon shone bright; fruits were aplenty on bushes and trees. Winter came and went giving place to spring. Savitri knew that Satyavan's death was approaching. Four days before the appointed day, Savitri started the Triratra vow, fasting day and night for three days and nights, with absolute faith in the Devata worshipped by her. She lay at the feet of the Mother Goddess, praying with abject devotion and prayed for her husband's wife. "O Mother, today is the day, I need your help." Her parents-in-law wanted her to give up the fast. "Yes", replied Savitri, "I will after sunset, if all goes well. This is my vow."

As Satyavan set out to the woods with axe upon his shoulder, Savitri requested that he should allow her to accompany him. "I pray to you, please do not prevent me; I will have to come with you." Savitri also sought the permission of her parents-in-law. They asked Satyavan not to go too far and to return quickly from the forest.
Satyavan was in a very happy mood as he enjoyed the rows of champaka trees and showed them to Savitri. Hand in hand they traversed the woods. He repeated asked Savitri, "What was your vow for? Was it to repent for some sin? Was it to get fame for sanctity?"

He felt a sense of pain after he began chopping wood. Savitri rested his head on her lap. She touched his cold hands. A shadowy figure was seen nearby, carrying a noose in his hand. He was Yama, the god of death. Trembling in voice, Savitri asked, "O god, what do you want to do here"

"Know me, O Savitri. I am Yama, the god of death. You are devoted to your husband. Your husband's allotted days on earth are over; it is my duty now to bind his soul with my noose and carry him away." So saying, Yama went about doing his job and started carrying Satyavan away. Savitri followed Yama and told Yama in a firm tone: "O god of death. Whither my husband goes, I go. We are one in life and in death. That is the eternal Dharma. O god, bind my soul too and take me. The goal of human life here on earth is to become as much god-like as possible. That goal can be reached in the sanctity of domestic life. Why do you want to deny me this life? My love for Satyavan is divine and will take us to the goal of life. Why do you take me away from him and deny the very goal for which we are created to achieve"

Yama was impressed with the pleading. "I admire your keen intellect and the purity of your heart. You may ask for any boon you want except the life of your husband; I will grant it."

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