CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Science > Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


The Fundamental unit of life (Solved)

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Q.40. List major functions of a cell.

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Q.41. What is the control centre of the cell ?

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Q.42. State the function of ribosomes.

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Q.43. State the site of photosynthesis.

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Q.44. State the function of an endoplasmic reticulum.

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Q.45. Why do viruses not show characteristics of life?

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Q.46. State the power house of the cell.

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Q.47. Which cell organelles are called suicidal bag of cell.

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Q.48. Which organelle makes endoplasmic reticulum rough?

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Q.49. State one function of each –

(i) rough endoplasmic reticulum and

(ii) smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

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Q.50.Where are centrioles found ?

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Q.51. State the function of centrosomes. Name the structure found in plant cell to perform similar function.

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Q.52. State endoplasmic reticulum with its main functions.

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Q.53. State the functions of Golgi apparatus ?

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Q.54. What are Lysosomes?

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Q55. State the function of Lysosomes.

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Q.56. State the structure and functions of peroxisomes.

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Q.57. State the functions of Mitochondria.

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Q.58. Expand the term ATP. State its use.

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Q.59. What are plastids?

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Q.60. What are leucoplasts ? State their functions.

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Q.61. What are chromoplasts ? Which one is the most important and why ?

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Q.62. What is plasmolysis?

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Q.63. What are vacuoles?

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Q.64. State the difference between plant cell and animal cell.

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Q.65. Write one important function each of mitochondria and ribosomes.


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Q.66. Why lysosomes are often called ‘suicide bags’.

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Q.67. Name some organelle found in animal cells and some found in plant cells.

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Q.68. Name the cell organelle which are known as :

(i) Control centre

(ii) Demolotion squads

(iii) Export firms

(iv) Power house of the cell

(v) Kitchen of the cell   

(vi) Internal transport system. 

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Q.69.State the functional regions of the cells.

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Q.70. What is a eukaryotic cell ?

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Q.71. Can you name the two organelles we have studied that contain their own genetic material ?

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Q.72. Where are proteins synthesized inside the cell ?

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Q.73. How does an Amoeba obtain its food?

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Q.74. What is osmosis ?

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]