CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Science > Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Tissues – Plant Tissues (Solved)

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Syllabus : Tissues, organs, organ systems, organism. Structure and functions of animal and plant tissues.

Q.1. What is a tissue ?

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Q.2. State the utility of tissues in multi-cellular organism.

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Q.3. Name two main groups of plant tissues.

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Q.4. Why meristematic cell lack vacuoles ?

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Q.5. Where is meristematic cells present in the plant body ?

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Q.6. State the characteristic structural features of meristematic cells.

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Q.7. Draw a labeled diagram of stem apex and root tip which show structural characteristics of  meristematic cells.

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Q.8. State the main function of meristematic tissue ?

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Q.9. State the types of meristems present in plants, on the basis of position.

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Q.10. Draw a labeled diagram to locate the three types of meristem.

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Q.11. Draw a labeled diagram of a section of stem to show various types of cells and their arrangement.

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Q.12. State the permanent tissues of plant.

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Q.13. State the simple permanent tissue.

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Q.14. State the name of three types of simple permanent tissues.

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Q.15. State the main functions of Parenchyma.

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Q.16. State major functions of stomata present in the epidermis.

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Q.17. Differentiate between :

(i) Meristematic cells and permanent cells.

(ii) Parenchyma and collenchyma.

(iii) Collenchyma and sclerenchyma.

(iv) Sclerenchyma fibres and sclereiods.

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Q.18. State the complex plant tissues.

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Q.19. State the main function of vascular tissues in plants.

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Q.20. State the vascular bundles.

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Q.21. State the four component elements of phloem. Which is the most important of them and why ?

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Q.22. Differentiate between :

(i) Xylem and phloem.

(ii) Vessel and sieve tube.

(iii) Tracheid and vessel.

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Q.23. Why epidermis of some plant like desert plants, has a waxy substance of cutin on its outer surface.

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Q.24.Name types of simple tissues.

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Q.25. Where is apical meristem found ?

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Q.26. Which tissue makes up the husk of coconut ?

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Q.27. What are the constituents of phloem ?

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]