CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


India – Size and Location (Solved)

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Question .1. Name the group of islands lying in the Arabian Sea.

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Question .2. Name the countries which are larger than India.

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Question .3. Which island group of India lies to its south-east ?

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Question .4. Which island countries are our southern neighbours ?

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Question .5.  In which period India has made progress in every field.

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Question .6. In which socio-economic area has India made all round development ?

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Question .7. State the latitude of the northern tip of the Indian mainland.

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Question .8. State the latitude of the northern extremity of India.

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Question .9. State the total north-south extent in degree of latitude of India.

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Question .10. State the total north-south extent in kilometers of India.

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Question .11. State the degree of longitude of the westernmost tip of India.

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Question .12. State the degree of longitude of the eastern tip of India.

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Question .13. State the parallel of latitude that divides India into two halves.

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Question .14. Name the place situated on the three seas, also name the seas.

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Question .15. Name the Island groups of India lying in the Arabian sea with their longitudinal and latitudinal extent.

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Question .16. Name the island groups of India lying in the Bay of Bengal with their longitudinal and latitudinal extent.

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Question .17. State the southernmost tip of the Indian Union.

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Question .18. What is the difference between the sunrise on the easternmost and the westernmost horizons of India ?

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Question . 19. Why a standard meridian of India with an odd value of 82 º 30’ E has been selected?

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Question .20. What is the geographical area of India ?

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Question .21. What is the rank in the world countries in respect of area ?

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Question .22. What is the length of land boundaries and coastline of India ?

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Question .23. From which place of U P does the standard meridian pass ?

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Question .24. Why Ahmedabad in the west and Kolkata in the east are able to see the noon sun exactly overhead twice a year but not Delhi being in the north ?

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Question .25. State the reasons of the difference between the duration of day and night hardly felt at Kanyakumari but it is not so in Kashmir.

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Question .26. Name the three newly formed states.

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Question .27. What distance has been reduced between India and Europe by opening Suez canal?

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Question .28. State the types of states India had before 1947.

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Question .29. State the number of states and union territories in India at present.

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Question .30. Find out :

(i) The number of Union territories situated on the Western and Eastern coasts.

(ii) Which is the largest and the smallest state of India in respect of Area?

(iii) Which state do not touch international boundaries or coasts?

(iv) Divide the states of India in four catogories which touch the boundaries of

(a) Pakistan,

(b) China,

(c) Myanmar and

(d) Bangladesh.

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Question .31. Differentiate between local time and standard time.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]