CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Democracy in the Contemporary World (Solved)

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Question .1. Which of the following does not lead to the spread of democracy?

(a) Struggle of the people 

(b) Invasion by foreign countries

(c) End of colonialism 

(d) People’s desire for freedom.

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Question .2. Which of the following statement is true about today’s world?

(a) Monarchy as a form of government has vanished.

(b) The relationship between different countries has become more democratic than ever before.

(c) In more and more countries rulers are being elected by the people.

(d) There are no more military dictators in the world.

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Question .3. Use one of the following statements to complete the sentence :

Democracy in the international organizations requires that …        

(a) The rich countries should have a greater say.

(b) Countries should have a say according to their military power.

(c) Countries should be treated with respect in proportion to their population.

(d) All countries in the world should be treated equally.

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Question .4. Match the following countries and the path to democracy has taken in that country.



Path to Country

(a) Chile

(i) Freedom from British colonial rule

(b) Nepal

(ii) End of military dictatorship

(c) Poland

(iii) End of one party rule

(d) Ghana

(iv) King agreed to give up his powers


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Question .5. What are the difficulties people face in a non-democratic country?

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Question .6. Which freedoms are usually taken away when a democracy is overthrown by the military?

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Question .7. Which of the following positions can contribute to democracy at the global level?

(a) My country gives more money to international institutions. Therefore, I want to be treated with more respect and exercise more power.

(b) My country may be small or poor. But my voice must be heardwith equal respect, because these decisions will affect my country.

(c) Wealthy nation will have a greater say in international affairs. They cannot let their interests suffer just because they are outnumbered by poor nations.

(d) Big countries like India must have a greater say in international organizations.

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Question .8. Here are three opinions heard in a television debate on the struggle for democracy in Nepal. Which of these do you agree with and why?

Guest 1 : India is a democracy. Therefore, the Indian government must support the people of Nepal who are struggling against monarchy and for democracy.

Guest 2 : That is a dangerous argument. We would be in the same position as the US was in Iraq. Remember, no outside force can promote democracy.

Guest 3 : But why should be bother about the internal affairs of another country? We should be worried about our business interests there, not about democracy.    

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Question .9. State the origin of the word ‘Democracy’.

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Question .10. What do you mean by democracy?

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Question .11.State any two definition of democracy.

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Question .12. State the kinds (types) of democracy.

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Question .13. Which countries have indirect democracy ?

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Question .14. Which country has direct democracy?

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Question . 15. State the main characteristics of democracy.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]