CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


The Economic Story (Solved)

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Question .1. Is it important to increase the area under cultivation? If yes, why?

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Question .2. What kind of farming methods – modern or traditional or mixed do farmers need?

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Question .3. How much of cultivable land irrigated in India (very little/nearly half/majority/all)?

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Question .4. Mention the State of India which consumes fertilizer highest.

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Question .5.  How the farmers get labour?

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Question .6. For what purpose farmers need money?

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Question .7. Who hires the workers in the village?

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Question .8. Where was the modern farming adopted first in India ?

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Question .9. Is there any way, one can grow more from the same land?


What is difference between multiple cropping and modern farming methods.

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Question .10. Is Dairy a popular economic activity in the village?

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Question .11. What are the sources for irrigation?

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Question .12. From where do farmers obtain the inputs that they require?


How do the medium and large farmers obtain capital for farming? How is it different from small farmers?

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Question .13. How is the land distributed between the farmers in any village?

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Question .14. Why are farm labourers poor?

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Question . 15. Mention non-farm activities of a village.

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Question .16. State the economic activities of a village.

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Question .17. Why do villagers migrate from their village to a city?

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Question .18.How the use of chemical fertilizers can be harmful?

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Question .19. How green revolution is associated with the loss of soil fertility?

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Question .20. Modern farming methods require more inputs, which are manufactured in industry. Do you agree?

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Question .21. How does the spread of electricity help farmers?

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Question .22. Can the land sustain fertility with the excessive use of chemicals and fertilizers? Explain.

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Question .23. Prepare a table showing the name of crop, months sown, month harvested and source of irrigation for a farmer.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]