CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Poverty as a Challenge (Solved)

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Question .1. Define poverty.

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Question .2. Give examples of self employment in rural area.

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Question .3. Give examples of self employment in urban area.

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Question .4. State the different categories of poor.

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Question .5. State the different categories of non-poor.

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Question .6. State two important types of poverty.

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Question .7. Enumerate five characteristics of rural poor.

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Question .8. State five features of urban poor.

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Question .9. State the consumption limit for rural and urban poor.

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Question .10. State the type of poverty that is measured on the basis of standard of living.

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Question .11. What is poverty line?

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Question .12. Is unemployment responsible for poverty ?

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Question .13. Why does inflation hit poor hard?

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Question .14. Which social group is the most vulnerable to poverty?

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Question .15. In which state the percentage of poor below poverty line is the highest?

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Question .16. In which state the percentage of poor below poverty line is the least?

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Question . 17. State the country that has the highest percentage of population below poverty line.

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Question .18. Who is a poor?

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Question .19. State five states having the highest percentage of people below poverty line.

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Question .20. State five states having the lowest percentage of people below poverty line.

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Question .21. State five countries having the highest percentage of people below poverty line.

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Question .22. Who are the poorest of the poor?

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Question .23. Is there any relationship between poverty and unemployment?

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Question .24. How will you differentiate between poor and non-poor on the basis of poverty line.

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Question .25. Name the groups vulnerable to poverty in order of their percentage of vulnerability. Also mention Average Indian Poverty ratio.


Identify the social and economic group, which are the most vulnerable to poverty of India.

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Question .26. State the Minimum Need Programme [MND].

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Question .27. Mention the programme introduced by the Government to alleviate poverty.

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Question .28. Show global poverty scenario through a Table.


Describe global poverty trends.

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Question .29. Give an account of inter-state disparities of Poverty in India.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]